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wolves in the throne room - celestite mirror
aenima - Tool
Golden Mind by Lantlos
Last 4 lyrics of the song are:
"Blearily drinkingThe purple blissTo turn back timeTo feel this again"
Lantlos getting trill as fuck \m/
Mursday - Here
High On Fire -'Surrounded by Thieves'
I set and watch the city burn tonight \m/
Helmet in the Bush-Korn
uncle acid - deaths door
Johnny come lately - Steve fucking Earle
Stockholm Syndrome - Muse
The Art of Self Defense by High on Fire
High On Fire - Spiritual Rites
shouldve been at mayhem
High On Fire -'Blessed Black Wings'
I love how the end of 'Razor Hoof' goes into the beginning of 'Devilution' \m/
Sleep -'Volume 1'
why tho? Their other shit is way better lol. Volume 1 ain't bad tho
Waking Sleep by Cormorant
road to nowhere - ozzy
wolves in the throne room - celestite mirror
aenima - Tool
Golden Mind by Lantlos
Last 4 lyrics of the song are:
"Blearily drinking
The purple bliss
To turn back time
To feel this again"
Lantlos getting trill as fuck \m/
Mursday - Here
High On Fire -'Surrounded by Thieves'
I set and watch the city burn tonight \m/
Helmet in the Bush-Korn
uncle acid - deaths door
Johnny come lately - Steve fucking Earle
Stockholm Syndrome - Muse
The Art of Self Defense by High on Fire
High On Fire - Spiritual Rites
shouldve been at mayhem
High On Fire -'Blessed Black Wings'
I love how the end of 'Razor Hoof' goes into the beginning of 'Devilution' \m/
Sleep -'Volume 1'
why tho? Their other shit is way better lol. Volume 1 ain't bad tho
Waking Sleep by Cormorant
road to nowhere - ozzy