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Fight over Limp Bizkit leads to death

laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
edited April 2011 in Off Topic
Limp Bizkit led to fatal fight, court told Amelia Bentley
April 28, 2011 - 12:49PM
A Sunshine Coast man was bashed to death, put in a shopping trolley and dumped in a creek following a drunken fight over music selection, a court has heard.

The court was told Emmanuel McPherson, 48, objected when his flatmate, James Albert Madden, played a Limp Bizkit album on Mr McPherson's stereo.

A fight then broke out, in which Mr Madden allegedly beat Mr McPherson to death.

Advertisement: Story continues below Mr Madden, 24, is on trial for Mr McPherson's murder. He pleads not guilty to the charge.

The two men and two women, Kila Jones and Lee Jolae, had been drinking at a unit they shared on Reilly Road at Nambour on May 25, 2009 when the violence broke out.

The dispute reportedly began when Mr McPherson told Mr Madden not to touch his stereo and told him to turn the CD off.

A Brisbane Supreme Court jury was told Mr Madden hit Mr McPherson about the head with an alcohol bottle, punched him and stomped on his face as he lay on the floor.

Mr Madden and Ms Jolae then bundled Mr McPherson in a sheet and doona before he was carried outside and placed in a shopping trolley.

Crown prosecutor Greg Cummings said Ms Jones and Mr Madden wheeled their friend down the street and tipped his body into a creek bed.

He was found the next morning and although Mr Madden initially denied any involvement in the death of his "bro", he was charged with Mr McPherson's murder.

Mr Cummings said the jury would hear a confession he made to a man Mr Madden believed was a fellow cellmate, but was in fact an undercover police officer who had recorded four hours of conversations he had with Mr Madden in a jail cell.

The jury will hear the officer ask Mr Madden if he was going to be released. He replied: "No. I've murdered a man. Killed him a couple of days ago."

Both Ms Jones and Ms Jolae had given statements to police about the violence they say they saw Mr Madden inflict on Mr McPherson on the day of his death. The two women will give evidence at the trial.

Mr McPherson died from blunt force trauma to his head.

The case continues.


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