i finally figured out how to upload the video i took of With Daggers Drawn. sorry the quality sucks ass cause i took it with my phone. im pretty sure thats me that laughed right after he says "...and no, its not the one in my pants." lol.
since you will not be attending summer slaughter and probably not amon amarth either.....i will be seeing Kittie with Diamond Plate, Dirge Within, Voodoo Terror Tribe, and Beyond The Lies on august 28th. tickets are only $15 and theres no fees, no tax or anything cause you gotta buy them straight from the venue and your reciept is your ticket. and i'll be seeing Arch Enemy with DevilDriver and Skeletonwitch on september 9th in NYC..........PICK ONE OF THOSE, WOMAN!
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I want to. But I'm just broke as shit. I have to see how much money I get for my birthday. I have to give my dad $140 for a tv, have to have another $40-$60 stashed away for Big 4 transit/food. I only have $70 in the bank right now and I still have to buy food and supplies for my apartment. I really do want to go to Amon Amarth, Opeth, and maybe Arch Enemy...Opeth more than any because of Katatonia being there. It's just tough. My dad is really bleeding me dry.
nah man, i didnt realize it was on the same day as TIH, and I got my tix for that last may.... sucks, i really wanted to go. how was TBDM, DYing Fetus and Fleshgod Apocalypse?
since you will not be attending summer slaughter and probably not amon amarth either.....i will be seeing Kittie with Diamond Plate, Dirge Within, Voodoo Terror Tribe, and Beyond The Lies on august 28th. tickets are only $15 and theres no fees, no tax or anything cause you gotta buy them straight from the venue and your reciept is your ticket. and i'll be seeing Arch Enemy with DevilDriver and Skeletonwitch on september 9th in NYC..........PICK ONE OF THOSE, WOMAN!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)