1.) Motorhead kicked fuckin ass. 2.) I like to enjoy video games, so Playstation. 3.) PBR (ya I know, redneck as fuck) 4.) I dont fucks with that. 5.) I use a PS VITA. But somewhere close to 3,000 6.) In the Name of Tragedy-Motorhead or 13 Steps to Nowhere-Pantera (Guessing) 7.) White Castle. Love taking three hour shits after I eat. 8.) Immortal Technique 9.) Yes. 10.) Probably Thrash.
Moshing. Ain't now way even the strongest of people are getting my fat ass up for a crowd surf.
Thanks for that shout out drdime! We are very similar in musical preferences! And if anyone dont like it im comin old school mayhem boards......."fuk u if u disgree". You
1.none.2.me.3.210.4.also me.5.afraid to say in case my wife reads this(she pays the bills and I dont wanna live with anyone else,laugh if you will). 6. Tough question. Imma go fear factory because I listen to them the most.7. Definitely drdime!. 8. None. Never, but I may have a drinking problem.9.fuk u if u disgree but I like tits and asses but im a sucker for a chick with cats eyes and a beautiful face. Something about a pretty face draws me in. Cant help it. If the chick has eyes, hair, face and a voice that kills, im done. Im not even looking any lower. Thats why im married.(but she's adequate from the neck down also) thank god or whoever. 10. 1 year. Fuck penile!Haha!
and the other...1.too many to count.2. Im a Nintendo dude.3.Philadelphia flyers.4.None.5 no ipod just a 16gb mp3 player so like 3200.6.damn, I'll say nothingface-cant wait for violence7.taco bell.8.dmx. 9.no.unfortunately all my musician friends are losers and I cant count on them.10. Tttthhrrraassshhhh!!!
1. Idk. I never have it my way and I'm not lovin it because it tastes like shit. 2.) Bill Gates getting popped in the head by an army general 3.) Coke although the Chinese do sometimes play jokes and piss in it. 4.) Battlefield. I like my shooters to actually innovate as the years go on not stay exactly the fucking same.
5.) Fuck em both. Netflix is where its at. 6.) Twitter. Morse responses from artists I like on there. 7.) Playstation. I like to enjoy my gaming experience. 8.) Weed. Now if it was weed or liquor.... 9.) Samsung Smiley. I get a whole g on this thing! 10.) South Park. They may be hit or miss, but the last few Family Guy seasons have just been complete trash. Oh and Family Guy always kinda sucked.
Coke or Pepsi? - either. Dr. Pepper master cola race though.
Call of Duty or Battlefield? - Battlefield. Not really into it honestly but fuck CoD
Dish or DirecTV? - I have WOW Cable, so neither
Facebook or Twitter? - Facebook. I can't get in to Twitter.
Xbox or Playstation? - Playstation
Weed or Beer? - neither
iPhone or Android? - Android
South Park or Family Guy? - Family Guy. Both suck now, but at least Family Guy used to be kinda funny. South Park was always horrible as far as I'm concerned.
1.) Motorhead kicked fuckin ass.
2.) I like to enjoy video games, so Playstation.
3.) PBR (ya I know, redneck as fuck)
4.) I dont fucks with that.
5.) I use a PS VITA. But somewhere close to 3,000
6.) In the Name of Tragedy-Motorhead or 13 Steps to Nowhere-Pantera (Guessing)
7.) White Castle. Love taking three hour shits after I eat.
8.) Immortal Technique
9.) Yes.
10.) Probably Thrash.
Moshing. Ain't now way even the strongest of people are getting my fat ass up for a crowd surf.
make them bitch
Thanks for that shout out drdime! We are very similar in musical preferences! And if anyone dont like it im comin old school mayhem boards......."fuk u if u disgree". You
Know where thats from! HHahaha!!!
I'll join in your boredom drdime...
1.none.2.me.3.210.4.also me.5.afraid to say in case my wife reads this(she pays the bills and I dont wanna live with anyone else,laugh if you will). 6. Tough question. Imma go fear factory because I listen to them the most.7. Definitely drdime!. 8. None. Never, but I may have a drinking problem.9.fuk u if u disgree but I like tits and asses but im a sucker for a chick with cats eyes and a beautiful face. Something about a pretty face draws me in. Cant help it. If the chick has eyes, hair, face and a voice that kills, im done. Im not even looking any lower. Thats why im married.(but she's adequate from the neck down also) thank god or whoever. 10. 1 year. Fuck penile!Haha!
and the other...1.too many to count.2. Im a Nintendo dude.3.Philadelphia flyers.4.None.5 no ipod just a 16gb mp3 player so like 3200.6.damn, I'll say nothingface-cant wait for violence7.taco bell.8.dmx. 9.no.unfortunately all my musician friends are losers and I cant count on them.10. Tttthhrrraassshhhh!!!
Extra Credit: Tool or Mastodon? (
) )
11.Mastodon but both have sucky live setlists usually
1. Idk. I never have it my way and I'm not lovin it because it tastes like shit.
2.) Bill Gates getting popped in the head by an army general
3.) Coke although the Chinese do sometimes play jokes and piss in it.
4.) Battlefield. I like my shooters to actually innovate as the years go on not stay exactly the fucking same.
5.) Fuck em both. Netflix is where its at.
6.) Twitter. Morse responses from artists I like on there.
7.) Playstation. I like to enjoy my gaming experience.
8.) Weed. Now if it was weed or liquor....
9.) Samsung Smiley. I get a whole g on this thing!
10.) South Park. They may be hit or miss, but the last few Family Guy seasons have just been complete trash. Oh and Family Guy always kinda sucked.
E.C. Hate you for this. I love em both!
Extra Credit: Tool or Mastodon? - Mastodon