Dinner or Supper? They're different things here. A dinner is like a late lunch, supper is the late meal usually intended to be a family eating experience
Sneakers or Tennis Shoes? Tennis shoes
Highway, Freeway, Thru-Way, or Expressway? Expressway
I didn't even know there was another word for jimmies till I got ice cream in Pittsburgh one time. Those faggots didn't know what pork roll was either. Waitress skank whore thought I was fuckin with her and got b
cuz iza bored as hell..
1. How many tattoos do you have?
2. Which forumer is the most attractive?
3. How much do you weigh?
4. Which forumer do you dislike the most?
5. How many people have you had sexual Intercourse with?
6. Who is your favorite band?
7. Which forumer are you most comparable with musically?
8. What was the last drug you did?
9. What's the most attractive physical feature on a person of the opposite sex, in your opinion?
10. When/ how long have you been a mayber of the mayhem forums?
1.) None but planning to get a few very soon. 2.) Probably Satan. Dat Ass. 3.) Lost track after the scale told me to get the fuck off. 4.) You're all good in my book. Even the "ky" spammers. 5.) Both hands. 6.) Iron Maiden 7.) Probably Roadie 8.) No drugs. Just Pot (and I don't count that). 9.) Not a feature, but she shouldn't be a total stuck up bitch. Dark red hair is awesome. And you can't go wrong with a cute face and nice rack.
10.) Mayhem, like 3 years. Then they shut us down. I think Penile pissed em off.
slap, this is water ice.... Do you call it something else?
I wouldn't know. I've never seen that before.
It's just like crushed flavored ice. It's slammin
I say both
Italian ice
I say both
Only a complete faggot would say bubbler
I say both and they mean the same thing here
Sneakers no one says tennis shoes ever
I say both
Sprinkles or Jimmies? -- jimmies??
this man here
Basically however they say it on tv is how I say it lol
I didn't even know there was another word for jimmies till I got ice cream in Pittsburgh one time. Those faggots didn't know what pork roll was either. Waitress skank whore thought I was fuckin with her and got b
she got mad and copped a attitude. Shoulda slapped her ass.
People here say sprinkles I just prefer the sound of jimmies lol
Probably gonna start calling em' Jimmies now just for the hell of it.
Sprinkles or Jimmies?- sprinkles. Wtf is a jimmy?
Water Ice or Italian Ice? - italian ice
Hoagie, Grinder or Sub?-sub
Soda, Pop, or Coke?- soda or pop
Garbage or Trash?- both
Water Fountain or Bubbler?-water fountain
Dinner or Supper?- dinner for a big meal. Suppee for a light meal
Sneakers or Tennis Shoes?-gym shoes
Highway, Freeway, Thru-Way, or Expressway?-highway
Frosting or Icing?-both
WAWA \m/
1.) None but planning to get a few very soon.
2.) Probably Satan. Dat Ass.
3.) Lost track after the scale told me to get the fuck off.
4.) You're all good in my book. Even the "ky" spammers.
5.) Both hands.
6.) Iron Maiden
7.) Probably Roadie
8.) No drugs. Just Pot (and I don't count that).
9.) Not a feature, but she shouldn't be a total stuck up bitch. Dark red hair is awesome. And you can't go wrong with a cute face and nice rack.
10.) Mayhem, like 3 years. Then they shut us down. I think Penile pissed em off.