WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? 6. Do you believe in evolution? 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? 8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very)
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? Yes. 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? I don't completely remember. But I know it took a couple years. 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Small. 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Malibu and pineapple 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? a longgg time. 6. Do you believe in evolution? Yes. 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No. No. No. 8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? No. 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? No. 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) like an 8.
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? thought i was once, but looking back now, no i dont think so 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? N/A 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? meh dont care 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Ceaser 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? as long as i had too 6. Do you believe in evolution? yes 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? i've done the bungee swing thing at Canadas Wonderland and would like to go real bungee jumping sometime 8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? are they like Prairie oysters? if so then no i havent and never will 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i'd probably try it 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) i dont know how to answer that, if i didnt like myself i'd change but i'm not conceited enough to think i'm better than anyone else
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? - I try to believe that romantic love doesn't actually exist. That being said, I feel like I sort of have felt the effects of "love" to a degree. Too late of course 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? - after we had broken up and started hanging out again. 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? - tall and overweight 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? - none 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? - forever 6. Do you believe in evolution? - no 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? - no. and no 8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? - ) lmao 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? - yea I would 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) - like a 1 or 2
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? Yes. My kids for sure 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? The moment they were born 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Tall because I could lose the weight. 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Rusty Nail 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? probably about 5 days. I dont think I would be able to start a fire with just a knife. Even if I somehow killed an animal, how am I going to cook it without fire? And say I find berries, how do I know they wont kill me? Yeah, I dont think I'd do well. Im no boy scout and would starve or freeze to death.
6. Do you believe in evolution? yes 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No, I'd do it if the opportunity came up, but I am not actively seeking it out
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? are they like Prairie oysters? I'd give it a try. Why not? could be good. 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i'd probably try it 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) I'll go with 8 too.
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? Yes.
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? The moment they were born for my children and for my significant other the moment i realized i really didnt care about his irritating habits or faults, they're all part of what makes him who he is and who i love.
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? small
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? margarita
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? idk for sure but i think i'd do fairly well for as long as needed
6. Do you believe in evolution? no.. adaptation yes... evolution no
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No and not really
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? no...
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i would try this
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) 7-8
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) - like a 1 or 2
I just think you're a nice person, and if you really like yourself at a level of 2, then you need to really fix that. From the outside looking in, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't like yourself.
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? I thought so at the time, but thinking about it now, no. 2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? --- 3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Tall and overweight. 4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Rum and Vanilla Coke. 5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? A week maybe. 6. Do you believe in evolution? Yes. 7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? I have not, but I'd like to someday. 8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? Hell naw. 9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? No. 10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) 7.
What is your favorite Disney film? - Alice in Wonderland
Who is your favorite Avenger? - wolverine
How many miles does your car have approximately? - i have a motorcycle not a car and i dont know the kilometerage
Where are you having Thanksgiving this year? -thanksgiving is already over
If you were a character on a tv show, who would you pick? - Hank Moody
What song has made you cry? - none
If you could move anywhere else in the US, where would you go? - i live in Canada....eh
Do you support your local music scene? - N/A
Do you collect vinyl? - Yes
What is your favorite Disney film? - Despicable Me
Who is your favorite Avenger? - iron man
How many miles does your car have approximately? - 150k
Where are you having Thanksgiving this year? -grandma's. can't wait to eat some thanksgiving food
If you were a character on a tv show, who would you pick? - Charlie Harper B-)
What song has made you cry? - Swing life away - Rise Against
If you could move anywhere else in the US, where would you go? - Colorado :-?
Do you support your local music scene? - N/A
Do you collect vinyl? - no
What is your favorite Disney film? Beauty and the Beast
Who is your favorite Avenger? Thor
How many miles does your car have approximately? .....
Where are you having Thanksgiving this year? My aunt's house probably.
If you were a character on a tv show, who would you pick? Hmm. Being part of Game of Thrones...would be interesting.
What song has made you cry? Shinedown's 45, Machine Head's Descend The Shades of Night
If you could move anywhere else in the US, where would you go? I kinda like Jersey, but maybe Philly.
Do you support your local music scene? Not as much as I should.
Do you collect vinyl? No.
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them?
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny?
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink?
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife?
6. Do you believe in evolution?
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to?
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters?
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak?
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very)
1. Do you think you have ever truly loved someone? Yes.
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? I don't completely remember. But I know it took a couple years.
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Small.
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Malibu and pineapple
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? a longgg time.
6. Do you believe in evolution? Yes.
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No. No. No.
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? No.
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? No.
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) like an 8.
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? N/A
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? meh dont care
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Ceaser
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? as long as i had too
6. Do you believe in evolution? yes
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? i've done the bungee swing thing at Canadas Wonderland and would like to go real bungee jumping sometime
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? are they like Prairie oysters? if so then no i havent and never will
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i'd probably try it
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) i dont know how to answer that, if i didnt like myself i'd change but i'm not conceited enough to think i'm better than anyone else
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? - after we had broken up and started hanging out again.
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? - tall and overweight
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? - none
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? - forever
6. Do you believe in evolution? - no
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? - no. and no
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? -
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? - yea I would
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) - like a 1 or 2
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? The moment they were born
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Tall because I could lose the weight.
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Rusty Nail
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? probably about 5 days. I dont think I would be able to start a fire with just a knife. Even if I somehow killed an animal, how am I going to cook it without fire? And say I find berries, how do I know they wont kill me? Yeah, I dont think I'd do well. Im no boy scout and would starve or freeze to death.
6. Do you believe in evolution? yes
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No, I'd do it if the opportunity came up, but I am not actively seeking it out
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? are they like Prairie oysters? I'd give it a try. Why not? could be good.
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i'd probably try it
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) I'll go with 8 too.
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? The moment they were born for my children and for my significant other the moment i realized i really didnt care about his irritating habits or faults, they're all part of what makes him who he is and who i love.
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? small
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? margarita
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? idk for sure but i think i'd do fairly well for as long as needed
6. Do you believe in evolution? no.. adaptation yes... evolution no
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? No and not really
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? no...
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? i would try this
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) 7-8
2. What was the moment you realized you loved them? ---
3. Would you rather be tall+overweight, or small+skinny? Tall and overweight.
4. What is your favorite mixed alcohol drink? Rum and Vanilla Coke.
5. How many days do you think you could survive alone in a forest during summer with only a knife? A week maybe.
6. Do you believe in evolution? Yes.
7. Have you ever gone bungee jumping? If no, do you want to? I have not, but I'd like to someday.
8. Would you ever eat rocky mountain oysters? Hell naw.
9. Would you ever eat a dolphin if someone offered you a dolphin steak? No.
10. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like yourself? (1- dont, 10-very) 7.