Would you date/ bang someone twice your age? If I was single and she was hot, yup! 56 \m/
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Bitchmade. You just sucked all of Trenton's and every band that came through here's cock. I like the dude, but c'mon.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Stanley Cup.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Not yet. Everyone else around here is doe.
Opinion of Andy Reid? Gotta gotta gotta go.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Toothgrinder
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Little landing strip
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
Would you date/ bang someone twice your age? Sure.
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? There are a few details that would need to be known first.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Superbowl.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Nope.
Opinion of Andy Reid? 0 fux.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? I'm not sure.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Shaved, or at least trimmed.
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Don't listen to either.
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston.
Would you date/ bang someone twice your age? No I'm too old
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Depends on a lot of variables I would say.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Super Bowl
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? No
Opinion of Andy Reid? I don't think he's a bad coach, but his time is up there.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Maiden
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Bald
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Neither
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston, but really it will be just who gets hot at the right time.
Do you like this song? Didn't listen the youtube links are messed up on here. Who is it?
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Bitchmade. You just sucked all of Trenton's and every band that came through here's cock. I like the dude, but c'mon.
Would you date/ bang someone twice your age? Sure there's some hot 40 year olds
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? ehhh depends on the town whore. More than likely bitchmade though.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Lombardi
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Nope
Opinion of Andy Reid? I like his work
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Kvelertak jammed the fuck out. If only they had a crowd that was digging them, it would have been perfect.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? A kinda like a little bit, but bald is nice too
The Ghost Inside or Terror? I've heard like 3 terror songs as opposed to 0 TGI songs..soo
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? I've been on the Falcons side every years as soon as the Cowboys drop out, I'm thinking this time they can do it.
Would you date/ bang someone twice your age? mos def
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? prob neither
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? NCAA bball championship
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? yupp
Opinion of Andy Reid? george blames him for shit that aint his fault.. i dont think the eagles are as good as he thinks and a coach isnt going to change that
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? TOOOOOOOL
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? bald bald bald
The Ghost Inside or Terror? terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? patriots
Opinion of Andy Reid? george blames him for shit that aint his fault.. i dont think the eagles are as good as he thinks and a coach isnt going to change that
Shit nigga you can't be serious . I can't even...... Where's wine when you need him. I need someone to make sense of all this I'm just baffled at your stupidity. Please, please be drunk. Best RB in the league NEVER RUnS. Just drink bleach, please drink bleach. b-(
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Bitchmade. You just sucked all of Trenton's and every band that came through here's cock. I like the dude, but c'mon.
make it sound like you know a dude doing this :-?
I do yo, this bitch has sucked Nd fucked everybody in Trenton. She fucks every band that comes through. And her noods are all over online. Her asshole has a stain and we call her the browning. And my bitch made buddy decides to wife her up? Da fuck? He's standing on the corner kissing this bitches gohnereeah infected lips an shit. It disgusts me, it fucking disgusts me.
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? - 0 fucks
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? - World Series trophy
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? - lolschool, don't have a job : /
Opinion of Andy Reid? - 0 fucks
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? - Death (To All)
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? - Shaved
The Ghost Inside or Terror? - Terror, but i like both
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? - 0 fucks
Do you like this song? - Meh
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Bitchmade. You just sucked all of Trenton's and every band that came through here's cock. I like the dude, but c'mon.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Stanley Cup.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Not yet. Everyone else around here is doe.
Opinion of Andy Reid? Gotta gotta gotta go.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Toothgrinder
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Little landing strip
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston
Do you like this song?
I never dug this band till I saw them live. They were a lot of fun!
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? idk
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? BCS National Championship 8->
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? No
Opinion of Andy Reid? The Eagles suck
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Backtrack
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Shaved, a little doesn't hurt though.
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Rams B-)
Do you like this song? Not diggin' the vocals, but it's kinda catchy
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? There are a few details that would need to be known first.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Superbowl.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Nope.
Opinion of Andy Reid? 0 fux.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? I'm not sure.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Shaved, or at least trimmed.
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Don't listen to either.
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston.
Do you like this song? Didn't listen.
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Depends on a lot of variables I would say.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Super Bowl
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? No
Opinion of Andy Reid? I don't think he's a bad coach, but his time is up there.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Maiden
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Bald
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Neither
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston, but really it will be just who gets hot at the right time.
Do you like this song? Didn't listen the youtube links are messed up on here. Who is it?
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Don't care.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Super Bowl.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Probably not, but im not going.
Opinion of Andy Reid? Time for him to go.
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Maiden.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Bald.
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Neither..
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Buffalo.. loljk
Do you like this song? didn't listen.
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Hmm..
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Super Bowl.
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Im in Tejas.
Opinion of Andy Reid? Trim that fkn mustache
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Maiden.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? I dont have pussy hair..
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? 49ers
Do you like this song? couldnt listen..
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? Depends
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Super Bowl
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Nope
Opinion of Andy Reid? Not a single fuck was given
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Iron Maiden
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? Bald
The Ghost Inside or Terror? Terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? Houston
Do you like this song? Meh
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? ehhh depends on the town whore. More than likely bitchmade though.
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? Lombardi
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? Nope
Opinion of Andy Reid? I like his work
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? Kvelertak jammed the fuck out. If only they had a crowd that was digging them, it would have been perfect.
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? A kinda like a little bit, but bald is nice too
The Ghost Inside or Terror? I've heard like 3 terror songs as opposed to 0 TGI songs..soo
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? I've been on the Falcons side every years as soon as the Cowboys drop out, I'm thinking this time they can do it.
Do you like this song? Didn't listen
If a dude got exclusive with the town whore, would you think he was bitch made or give him props for letting the past go? prob neither
Out of your favorite sports teams, what trophy do you want to win the most? NCAA bball championship
Are you off work/school tomorrow cause of the storm? yupp
Opinion of Andy Reid? george blames him for shit that aint his fault.. i dont think the eagles are as good as he thinks and a coach isnt going to change that
Last band you saw live that you thought gave a 10/10 performance? TOOOOOOOL
How do you like your pussy hair or lack there of? bald bald bald
The Ghost Inside or Terror? terror
Who's your pick right now to win the Super Bowl? patriots
Do you like this song? Didn't listen