Personal 1-How are you? Not bad. 2-Post a picture of yourself.
3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nope. I'm awesome. 4-What is your entire name? William Ihsahn Kriss 5-How old are you? 18 6-Age you get mistaken for: N/A 7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Scorpio. I agree. 8-What did you do on your last birthday? Ate a Reeses Cup cake my lady made me, and then I bought my tickets to see Mayhem/Keep of Kalessin. 9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Get a Tattoo 10-What is your hair color? Currently, brown, which is natural. 11-Have you ever dyed your hair? Black. I like it better that way. 12-What is your eye color? Brown/Hazel 13-If you could change your eye color, would you? White. Or purple. 14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? No, but I want to get colored contacts. 18-Do you have any tattoos? Not yet. 19-Do you have any piercings? Lip. have to redo one side though. 20-Left or right handed? righty 21-What’s your sexual orientation? straight 22-Do you drink? rarely 23-Do you smoke? yes 24-Do you have any pets? a kvlt kittie 25-Where do you work? Unemployed 26-Something you are working on right now: My goth/industrial project 27-Do you have any “rules” about food? Some 28-Where are you from? Michigan 29-What would you say is your best quality? I'm dedicated. 30-What do you think you’re really good at? Being a good boyfriend. 31-What do you think you’re really bad at? Sports 33-Are you a bad person? Depends on who's asking. Some would call me a horrible person who needs to have my ass kicked off. Others would call me a hero. 34-Are you nice to everyone? Generally, but if I don't like someone, they will know it. 36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Probably 37-What is your ideal bed? Why? A comfy one big enough for too 38-Did you wake up cranky? Usually 39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? no 40-What do you think about the most? my girlfriend 42-What you want to be when you “get older”? Successful 43-What are your career goals? Make some money 44-What is your ideal career? Something I enjoy 45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? not in the slightest 46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? all the time, and I add actors 47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? no 48-Say 10 facts about your room: Messy, has cd's, has posters, has a bed, has a fan, has a window, has condoms, at least seven people have had sex in it, it has my tobacco products, has a tv 49-Do you have any phobias? no 50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? yes 51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Pollen, grass 52-Ever broken any bones? yes 53-Ever come close to death? no 60-Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Yes, no 61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? yes 62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: awesome 63-A quote you try to live by: "Be as a lion in the path - be dangerous even in defeat!" 64-A famous person you’ve been compared to: Justin Bieber 65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: clean 66-Something you do without realising: hyperactive sometimes. 68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: Someone I hate, so I can ruin their life in an hour 69-Leave me a compliment: You left this on 69
Favorites 70-What is your favorite thing to do? Masturbate 71-What’s your favorite color? Black 73-What’s your favorite movie? Planet Terror 74-What are your favorite books? Girl with the dragon tattoo series
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
Personal 1-How are you? Not too bad. 2-Post a picture of yourself. Maybe later. 3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? No. 4-What is your entire name? Elliott Joel Trombley 5-How old are you? 21 6-Age you get mistaken for: 18. 7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Aries, and I have no idea. 8-What did you do on your last birthday? Went to a Red Wings game. 9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Get in shape. 10-What is your hair color? Brown. 11-Have you ever dyed your hair? With washout coloring. 12-What is your eye color? Blue. 13-If you could change your eye color, would you? Yeah. 14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yes. 18-Do you have any tattoos? No. 19-Do you have any piercings? No. 20-Left or right handed? Mostly right. 21-What’s your sexual orientation? Heterosexual. 22-Do you drink? Occasionally. 23-Do you smoke? No. 24-Do you have any pets? 1, A black labrador retriever. 25-Where do you work? En Garde Detroit as a fencing instructor. 26-Something you are working on right now: Teaching fencing. 27-Do you have any “rules” about food? It if tastes good but looks questionable, don't ask what's in it. 28-Where are you from? Detroit, MI. 29-What would you say is your best quality? Not sure. 30-What do you think you’re really good at? Being socially awkward. 31-What do you think you’re really bad at? Not procrastinating. 33-Are you a bad person? No. 34-Are you nice to everyone? Mostly. 36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yeah. 37-What is your ideal bed? Why? A comfy one. 38-Did you wake up cranky? Not today. 39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? No. 40-What do you think about the most? 42-What you want to be when you “get older”? Some kind of engineer. 43-What are your career goals? Make enough money to be able to retire before I'm 60. 44-What is your ideal career? Working on cars or boats. 45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Yeah. 46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yes. 47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? No. 48-Say 10 facts about your room: 49-Do you have any phobias? Clowns. 50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? No. 51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Not that I'm aware of. 52-Ever broken any bones? No. 53-Ever come close to death? Not that I can recall. 60-Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Yes. 61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yes. 62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: - 63-A quote you try to live by: - 64-A famous person you’ve been compared to: Daniel Radcliffe/ 65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: Talk to myself. 66-Something you do without realising: Talk to myself. 68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: Somebody rich, so I can give myself money. 69-Leave me a compliment: You're awesome. Favorites 70-What is your favorite thing to do? 71-What’s your favorite color? Blue. 73-What’s your favorite movie? I can't pick just one. 74-What are your favorite books? Ender's Game. 75-What is your favorite quote and why? Don't have one. 76-What is your favorite word? Don't have one. 77-What is your least favorite word? Don't have one. 78-What is your favorite type of food? Bacon cheeseburgers 79-You favorite ice cream? Cookie Dough 80-What’s your favorite animal? Penguin. 81-Dogs or cats? Cats 82-Describe your favourite texture: Soft, smooth. 83-What is your favorite flower? Black rose. 84-What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? - 85-What is your favorite season? Fall. 86-What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Japan, Brazil, Hawaii, Finland, Alaska. 87-What are four things you can’t live without and why? Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Entertainment. 88-Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? I have no idea. 89-What’s your favorite television show? 90-Favorite place to shop at? Don't have one. 91-Say 2 facts about your favorite things: -- Friends 106-Would you ever smile at a stranger? Sure. 107-Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Guys, less drama. 108-Who is someone you never tire of? Not sure, most people start to annoy me after a while. 109-Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Yeah. 110-Who is your most loyal friend? Bryce. I've known him since middle school. 111-Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? No. 112-If your best friend died, what would you do? I don't have one. 113-Something you’ve lied about. Homework. 114-Have you ever felt replaced? Yeah. 115-Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s): -
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
Relationships 116-The last person you hugged? My grandpa. 117-Story of your first kiss? I don't remember my first kiss. 118-Do you like kissing in public? I don't care about it. 119-Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes. 120-You have a preference for boys or girls? For Dating? Girls. 121-Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Female. 127-What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Eyes. 128-Are looks important in a relationship? Yeah, there needs to be some kind of physical attraction. 129-What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? 130-What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? Depends on how big the age difference is. 131-Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? It's possible. 133-Do you have a crush on anyone? No. 134-A description of the girl/boy you like: - 135-Say 1 fact about the person you like: - 136-If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I don't know. 137-When was the last time you told someone you loved them? It's been a while. 138-Do you think someone has feelings for you? I'm kind of oblivious to that stuff. 139-Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably not. 140-Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? No. 141-Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yeah. 142-Anyone you’re giving up on? There is someone I gave up on. 143-Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah. 144-Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yeah. 145-Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yeah. 146-Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? No. 147-Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? No. 148-Is there someone you will never forget? Yeah. 153-What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? I don't know. 154-What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? I don't know. 157-Are you in love? No. 158-Are you in a relationship? No. 159-If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? - 160-Are relationships ever worth it? They can be. 161-Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Wat? 162-Can you commit to one person? Yeah. 163-Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I have before. 164-Do you ever want to get married? If I find the right person. 165-Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? 167-Do you get jealous easily? Not really. 168-The last time you felt jealous, and why? I don't remember. 169-What is your definition of cheating? Having sex with another person, whether it's oral, vaginal, or anal. 170-Have you ever been cheated on? I think so, but I'm not sure. 171-Do you forgive betrayal? Maybe. 172-Have you ever cheated on someone? No. 173-Why did your last relationship fail? See question 170. 174-Things you want to say to an ex: I don't want to see or talk to my ex. 175-A description of the person you dislike the most: - 176-If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? No. 177-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 1 serious one. 178-How long was your longest relationship? Just under 2 years. 179-You’ll love me if… - 180-Share a relationship story: - Music, movies and books 181-How often do you listen to music? Everyday. 182-What kind of music you like? Metal, Rock, Alternative, Industrial, Folk 183-Do you like to dance? No. 185-Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Not today. 186-Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: System of a Down - B.Y.O.B. 187-A song that’s been stuck in your head: Taproot - Poem 188-Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: - 189-A book you want to read/have recently read: Ender's Game series. 190-Describe your dream library: 191-Last movie you just watched: 192-Do you like watching what type of movies? Horror, Comedy, Action, Thrillers. Situations and crazy things 193-You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? I have no idea. 194-What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Loitering. 195-If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? 196-You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? My family. 197-If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Not forget my phone on a long road trip. 198-If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Americium, cause 'Murica. 199-If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? When I was 10. 200-You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? Katana. "Suck it!" 201-If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? Fast, big drops, last over 2 minutes. 202-What is the first curse word that comes to mind? Fuck. 203-What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… Don't remember. 204-Halloween costume idea? No idea. 205-How you’d spend ten thousand bucks? Buy a new tv for my basement, and buy some video games. 206-Press ctrl+v and post: doo ding dong doodily doodily doo 207-Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why. Someone I love for ten years. 208-5 things within touching distance: Couch, table, laptop, pinball machine, remote. 209-A drunken story: - 210-What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing. 211-Currently wanting to see anyone? No. 212-Why you follow me? Shh. 213-If you met me what would you do? Demand the highest of fives.
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? 2. last person you buttsechzed? 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? 7. do you think women have hairy asses? 8. ever wear panties on your head? 9. your current dream vacation? 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe?
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? - the cabin in the woods 2. last person you buttsechzed? - CF's wife 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? - just 1, bamboozle 2012 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? - 21 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? - scranton, pa 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? - n/a 7. do you think women have hairy asses? - hell no 8. ever wear panties on your head? - i wish 9. your current dream vacation? - right now, probably going to wacken or some other awesome european festival 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? - 4-5. don't want my hand ripping through the toilet paper while wiping ya know? shits gross :-&
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? chronicle 2. last person you buttsechzed? a sheep 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? yes 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? i dont have netflix 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? the one that isnt that far from my hosue 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? yes i can 7. do you think women have hairy asses? no 8. ever wear panties on your head? no thats kinda weird 9. your current dream vacation? alaska 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? wat. who counts toilet paper sheets?
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2012
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? Snow White and the Huntsman 2. last person you buttsechzed? My girlfriend. wait whut 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Yes, MDF, Outside Lands, Download 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? like 4 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? N/A 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Brown 7. do you think women have hairy asses? No... 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? Israel 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Like 4ish.
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Dictator 2. last person you buttsechzed? None 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Sadly no 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? None 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? July 22nd, Detroit, Mi 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Don't have one at the moment. But I remember the last one's was brown. 7. do you think women have hairy asses? No 8. ever wear panties on your head? Nope 9. your current dream vacation? Going to Europe and attending a fuck load of Metal Fests. 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? 4-5
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Avengers 2. last person you buttsechzed? .... 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Rock On The Range 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Atlanta and Detroit 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Blue 7. do you think women have hairy asses? No 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? Europe. Like everywhere. Ideally during the summer to see some festivals. 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't even think to count them.....
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Avengers 2. last person you buttsechzed? .... 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Nope 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Dallas (maybe) 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A 7. do you think women have hairy asses? No 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? Europe. Going to EPL matches, etc. 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't count them lol
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? avengers 2. last person you buttsechzed? my wife 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? this is hardcore, east coast tsunami 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? virginia 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? brown 7. do you think women have hairy asses? if they do they should wax dat ass. 8. ever wear panties on your head? yes 9. your current dream vacation? europe 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? like 10
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? MIB3. 2. last person you buttsechzed? my boyfraaand. 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? nah. 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? idunno. 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? scranton, pa 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? my boyfriend's black. it narrows it down greatly. 7. do you think women have hairy asses? if they do, they should probz get it waxed. 8. ever wear panties on your head? nope. 9. your current dream vacation? i wanna go on a cruise 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? who counts? lol
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Avengers. 2. last person you buttsechzed? None. 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Rock on the Range. 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? None. 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Detroit. 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? No significant other. 7. do you think women have hairy asses? No. 8. ever wear panties on your head? No. 9. your current dream vacation? Visiting Japan. 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't count.
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? american reunion 2. last person you buttsechzed? ........ 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? newport folk festival 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? zero 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? hartford 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? no 7. do you think women have hairy asses? no 8. ever wear panties on your head? hmmm im not sure haha 9. your current dream vacation? i just like disneyworld lol but also would love to hit up amsterdam 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? like a whole roll
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? Snow White and the Huntsman 2. last person you buttsechzed? No one 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? No 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? Don't have netflix 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? None of them 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? I don't have a significant other, but I can name the last one I had yes. A few others from thw past as well 7. do you think women have hairy asses? Some do..I've seen pics on the internet 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? There's three..a month in Germany..Some time in Ireland...and a nice time in the caribbean or some place similar 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Idk, I don't pay attention to stuff like that )
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? 21 Jump St 2. last person you buttsechzed? Nobody 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Nope 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? Hell if I know. I never use Netflix 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? None 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A 7. do you think women have hairy asses? I'd like to think not 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? I'd like to go to France and attend Hellfest 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Don't really count
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Avengers. Seeing Prometheus tonight. 2. last person you buttsechzed? ... 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? CMJ Festival. 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 100+ 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? I'm not sure if I'm going to make it... 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A 7. do you think women have hairy asses? .... 8. ever wear panties on your head? No. 9. your current dream vacation? Scandinavia. 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Enough to get the job done.
1. last movie you saw in the theaters? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2. last person you buttsechzed? Nobody 3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? St. Louis Blues Festival 4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? zero 5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Detroit 6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Brown 7. do you think women have hairy asses? no 8. ever wear panties on your head? No 9. your current dream vacation? Anyplace away from here with my love 10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? How fucking bored do you have to be to count that?
1-How are you? Not bad.
2-Post a picture of yourself.
3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nope. I'm awesome.
4-What is your entire name? William Ihsahn Kriss
5-How old are you? 18
6-Age you get mistaken for: N/A
7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Scorpio. I agree.
8-What did you do on your last birthday? Ate a Reeses Cup cake my lady made me, and then I bought my tickets to see Mayhem/Keep of Kalessin.
9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Get a Tattoo
10-What is your hair color? Currently, brown, which is natural.
11-Have you ever dyed your hair? Black. I like it better that way.
12-What is your eye color? Brown/Hazel
13-If you could change your eye color, would you? White. Or purple.
14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? No, but I want to get colored contacts.
18-Do you have any tattoos? Not yet.
19-Do you have any piercings? Lip. have to redo one side though.
20-Left or right handed? righty
21-What’s your sexual orientation? straight
22-Do you drink? rarely
23-Do you smoke? yes
24-Do you have any pets? a kvlt kittie
25-Where do you work? Unemployed
26-Something you are working on right now: My goth/industrial project
27-Do you have any “rules” about food? Some
28-Where are you from? Michigan
29-What would you say is your best quality? I'm dedicated.
30-What do you think you’re really good at? Being a good boyfriend.
31-What do you think you’re really bad at? Sports
33-Are you a bad person? Depends on who's asking. Some would call me a horrible person who needs to have my ass kicked off. Others would call me a hero.
34-Are you nice to everyone? Generally, but if I don't like someone, they will know it.
36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Probably
37-What is your ideal bed? Why? A comfy one big enough for too
38-Did you wake up cranky? Usually
39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? no
40-What do you think about the most? my girlfriend
42-What you want to be when you “get older”? Successful
43-What are your career goals? Make some money
44-What is your ideal career? Something I enjoy
45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? not in the slightest
46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? all the time, and I add actors
47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? no
48-Say 10 facts about your room: Messy, has cd's, has posters, has a bed, has a fan, has a window, has condoms, at least seven people have had sex in it, it has my tobacco products, has a tv
49-Do you have any phobias? no
50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? yes
51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Pollen, grass
52-Ever broken any bones? yes
53-Ever come close to death? no
60-Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Yes, no
61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? yes
62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: awesome
63-A quote you try to live by: "Be as a lion in the path - be dangerous even in defeat!"
64-A famous person you’ve been compared to: Justin Bieber
65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: clean
66-Something you do without realising: hyperactive sometimes.
68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: Someone I hate, so I can ruin their life in an hour
69-Leave me a compliment: You left this on 69
70-What is your favorite thing to do? Masturbate
71-What’s your favorite color? Black
73-What’s your favorite movie? Planet Terror
74-What are your favorite books? Girl with the dragon tattoo series
I gave up right here
1-How are you? Not too bad.
2-Post a picture of yourself. Maybe later.
3-Do you ever wish you were someone else? No.
4-What is your entire name? Elliott Joel Trombley
5-How old are you? 21
6-Age you get mistaken for: 18.
7-Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Aries, and I have no idea.
8-What did you do on your last birthday? Went to a Red Wings game.
9-What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Get in shape.
10-What is your hair color? Brown.
11-Have you ever dyed your hair? With washout coloring.
12-What is your eye color? Blue.
13-If you could change your eye color, would you? Yeah.
14-Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yes.
18-Do you have any tattoos? No.
19-Do you have any piercings? No.
20-Left or right handed? Mostly right.
21-What’s your sexual orientation? Heterosexual.
22-Do you drink? Occasionally.
23-Do you smoke? No.
24-Do you have any pets? 1, A black labrador retriever.
25-Where do you work? En Garde Detroit as a fencing instructor.
26-Something you are working on right now: Teaching fencing.
27-Do you have any “rules” about food? It if tastes good but looks questionable, don't ask what's in it.
28-Where are you from? Detroit, MI.
29-What would you say is your best quality? Not sure.
30-What do you think you’re really good at? Being socially awkward.
31-What do you think you’re really bad at? Not procrastinating.
33-Are you a bad person? No.
34-Are you nice to everyone? Mostly.
36-Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yeah.
37-What is your ideal bed? Why? A comfy one.
38-Did you wake up cranky? Not today.
39-Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? No.
40-What do you think about the most?
42-What you want to be when you “get older”? Some kind of engineer.
43-What are your career goals? Make enough money to be able to retire before I'm 60.
44-What is your ideal career? Working on cars or boats.
45-Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Yeah.
46-Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Yes.
47-Have you ever had an imaginary friend? No.
48-Say 10 facts about your room:
49-Do you have any phobias? Clowns.
50-Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? No.
51-Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Not that I'm aware of.
52-Ever broken any bones? No.
53-Ever come close to death? Not that I can recall.
60-Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Yes.
61-Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yes.
62-Describe yourself in one word/sentence: -
63-A quote you try to live by: -
64-A famous person you’ve been compared to: Daniel Radcliffe/
65-Weird things you do when you’re alone: Talk to myself.
66-Something you do without realising: Talk to myself.
68-Someone you’d like to be for a day and why: Somebody rich, so I can give myself money.
69-Leave me a compliment: You're awesome.
70-What is your favorite thing to do?
71-What’s your favorite color? Blue.
73-What’s your favorite movie? I can't pick just one.
74-What are your favorite books? Ender's Game.
75-What is your favorite quote and why? Don't have one.
76-What is your favorite word? Don't have one.
77-What is your least favorite word? Don't have one.
78-What is your favorite type of food? Bacon cheeseburgers
79-You favorite ice cream? Cookie Dough
80-What’s your favorite animal? Penguin.
81-Dogs or cats? Cats
82-Describe your favourite texture: Soft, smooth.
83-What is your favorite flower? Black rose.
84-What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? -
85-What is your favorite season? Fall.
86-What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Japan, Brazil, Hawaii, Finland, Alaska.
87-What are four things you can’t live without and why? Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Entertainment.
88-Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? I have no idea.
89-What’s your favorite television show?
90-Favorite place to shop at? Don't have one.
91-Say 2 facts about your favorite things: --
106-Would you ever smile at a stranger? Sure.
107-Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Guys, less drama.
108-Who is someone you never tire of? Not sure, most people start to annoy me after a while.
109-Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? Yeah.
110-Who is your most loyal friend? Bryce. I've known him since middle school.
111-Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? No.
112-If your best friend died, what would you do? I don't have one.
113-Something you’ve lied about. Homework.
114-Have you ever felt replaced? Yeah.
115-Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s): -
116-The last person you hugged? My grandpa.
117-Story of your first kiss? I don't remember my first kiss.
118-Do you like kissing in public? I don't care about it.
119-Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes.
120-You have a preference for boys or girls? For Dating? Girls.
121-Is the male or female body closest to perfection? Female.
127-What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Eyes.
128-Are looks important in a relationship? Yeah, there needs to be some kind of physical attraction.
129-What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
130-What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? Depends on how big the age difference is.
131-Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? It's possible.
133-Do you have a crush on anyone? No.
134-A description of the girl/boy you like: -
135-Say 1 fact about the person you like: -
136-If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I don't know.
137-When was the last time you told someone you loved them? It's been a while.
138-Do you think someone has feelings for you? I'm kind of oblivious to that stuff.
139-Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably not.
140-Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? No.
141-Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yeah.
142-Anyone you’re giving up on? There is someone I gave up on.
143-Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yeah.
144-Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yeah.
145-Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yeah.
146-Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? No.
147-Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? No.
148-Is there someone you will never forget? Yeah.
153-What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? I don't know.
154-What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? I don't know.
157-Are you in love? No.
158-Are you in a relationship? No.
159-If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? -
160-Are relationships ever worth it? They can be.
161-Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Wat?
162-Can you commit to one person? Yeah.
163-Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I have before.
164-Do you ever want to get married? If I find the right person.
165-Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
167-Do you get jealous easily? Not really.
168-The last time you felt jealous, and why? I don't remember.
169-What is your definition of cheating? Having sex with another person, whether it's oral, vaginal, or anal.
170-Have you ever been cheated on? I think so, but I'm not sure.
171-Do you forgive betrayal? Maybe.
172-Have you ever cheated on someone? No.
173-Why did your last relationship fail? See question 170.
174-Things you want to say to an ex: I don't want to see or talk to my ex.
175-A description of the person you dislike the most: -
176-If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? No.
177-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 1 serious one.
178-How long was your longest relationship? Just under 2 years.
179-You’ll love me if… -
180-Share a relationship story: -
Music, movies and books
181-How often do you listen to music? Everyday.
182-What kind of music you like? Metal, Rock, Alternative, Industrial, Folk
183-Do you like to dance? No.
185-Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Not today.
186-Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: System of a Down - B.Y.O.B.
187-A song that’s been stuck in your head: Taproot - Poem
188-Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: -
189-A book you want to read/have recently read: Ender's Game series.
190-Describe your dream library:
191-Last movie you just watched:
192-Do you like watching what type of movies? Horror, Comedy, Action, Thrillers.
Situations and crazy things
193-You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? I have no idea.
194-What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Loitering.
195-If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be?
196-You’re given $10,000…under one condition: you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? My family.
197-If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Not forget my phone on a long road trip.
198-If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Americium, cause 'Murica.
199-If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? When I was 10.
200-You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? Katana. "Suck it!"
201-If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? Fast, big drops, last over 2 minutes.
202-What is the first curse word that comes to mind? Fuck.
203-What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… Don't remember.
204-Halloween costume idea? No idea.
205-How you’d spend ten thousand bucks? Buy a new tv for my basement, and buy some video games.
206-Press ctrl+v and post: doo ding dong doodily doodily doo
207-Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for ten years or someone you hate for a month? Explain why. Someone I love for ten years.
208-5 things within touching distance: Couch, table, laptop, pinball machine, remote.
209-A drunken story: -
210-What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing.
211-Currently wanting to see anyone? No.
212-Why you follow me? Shh.
213-If you met me what would you do? Demand the highest of fives.
2. last person you buttsechzed?
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)?
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue?
5. which mayhem fest date you going to?
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color?
7. do you think women have hairy asses?
8. ever wear panties on your head?
9. your current dream vacation?
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe?
2. last person you buttsechzed? - CF's wife
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? - just 1, bamboozle 2012
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? - 21
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? - scranton, pa
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? - n/a
7. do you think women have hairy asses? - hell no
8. ever wear panties on your head? - i wish
9. your current dream vacation? - right now, probably going to wacken or some other awesome european festival
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? - 4-5. don't want my hand ripping through the toilet paper while wiping ya know? shits gross :-&
2. last person you buttsechzed? a sheep
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? yes
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? i dont have netflix
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? the one that isnt that far from my hosue
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? yes i can
7. do you think women have hairy asses? no
8. ever wear panties on your head? no thats kinda weird
9. your current dream vacation? alaska
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? wat. who counts toilet paper sheets?
2. last person you buttsechzed? My girlfriend. wait whut
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Yes, MDF, Outside Lands, Download
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? like 4
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? N/A
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Brown
7. do you think women have hairy asses? No...
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? Israel
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Like 4ish.
2. last person you buttsechzed? None
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Sadly no
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? None
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? July 22nd, Detroit, Mi
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Don't have one at the moment. But I remember the last one's was brown.
7. do you think women have hairy asses? No
8. ever wear panties on your head? Nope
9. your current dream vacation? Going to Europe and attending a fuck load of Metal Fests.
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? 4-5
2. last person you buttsechzed? ....
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Rock On The Range
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Atlanta and Detroit
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Blue
7. do you think women have hairy asses? No
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? Europe. Like everywhere. Ideally during the summer to see some festivals.
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't even think to count them.....
2. last person you buttsechzed? ....
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Nope
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Dallas (maybe)
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A
7. do you think women have hairy asses? No
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? Europe. Going to EPL matches, etc.
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't count them lol
2. last person you buttsechzed? my wife
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? this is hardcore, east coast tsunami
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 0
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? virginia
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? brown
7. do you think women have hairy asses? if they do they should wax dat ass.
8. ever wear panties on your head? yes
9. your current dream vacation? europe
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? like 10
2. last person you buttsechzed? my boyfraaand.
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? nah.
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? idunno.
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? scranton, pa
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? my boyfriend's black. it narrows it down greatly.
7. do you think women have hairy asses? if they do, they should probz get it waxed.
8. ever wear panties on your head? nope.
9. your current dream vacation? i wanna go on a cruise
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? who counts? lol
2. last person you buttsechzed? None.
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Rock on the Range.
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? None.
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Detroit.
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? No significant other.
7. do you think women have hairy asses? No.
8. ever wear panties on your head? No.
9. your current dream vacation? Visiting Japan.
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? I don't count.
2. last person you buttsechzed? ........
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? newport folk festival
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? zero
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? hartford
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? no
7. do you think women have hairy asses? no
8. ever wear panties on your head? hmmm im not sure haha
9. your current dream vacation? i just like disneyworld lol but also would love to hit up amsterdam
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? like a whole roll
2. last person you buttsechzed? No one
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? No
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? Don't have netflix
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? None of them
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? I don't have a significant other, but I can name the last one I had yes. A few others from thw past as well
7. do you think women have hairy asses? Some do..I've seen pics on the internet
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? There's three..a month in Germany..Some time in Ireland...and a nice time in the caribbean or some place similar
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Idk, I don't pay attention to stuff like that
2. last person you buttsechzed? Nobody
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? Nope
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? Hell if I know. I never use Netflix
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? None
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A
7. do you think women have hairy asses? I'd like to think not
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? I'd like to go to France and attend Hellfest
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Don't really count
2. last person you buttsechzed? ...
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? CMJ Festival.
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? 100+
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? I'm not sure if I'm going to make it...
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? N/A
7. do you think women have hairy asses? ....
8. ever wear panties on your head? No.
9. your current dream vacation? Scandinavia.
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? Enough to get the job done.
2. last person you buttsechzed? Nobody
3. ever attend a multi-day festival? if so, which one(s)? St. Louis Blues Festival
4. how many movies are in your netflix instant queue? zero
5. which mayhem fest date you going to? Detroit
6. without looking at a photo, can you name your signaficant other's eye color? Brown
7. do you think women have hairy asses? no
8. ever wear panties on your head? No
9. your current dream vacation? Anyplace away from here with my love
10. how many pieces of toilet paper do you use per wipe? How fucking bored do you have to be to count that?