Grunge had to happen, Glam Metal was getting worse and worse and it was going to implode eventually anyway.
the rise of grunge destroyed other bands. MEtallica went to shyt and put out LOAD. Iron Maiden lost Bruce. Priest lost Halford....and so on
Sure, Nirvana convinced Halford to leave Priest, and running head on into a drum riser and having a free will to make Fight happen had nothing to do with that.
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
Nirvana was one of the best concerts I ever saw. If I remember correctly, Butthole Surfers and Chokebore opened and were both almost boo'd off the stage. I bought my 10 dollars ticket at the door an hour before the show... Nirvana was so large back in 1994, and their stage presence was just amazing. What really made the show though was the energy in the crowd. It is difficult to really describe it with words.... but it's like when they played lithium the whole crowd was jumping up and down as high as you could during "I'm so happy, Cause today I found my friends...." and when he got to the "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah" screaming like everyone was jumping at least a foot higher. It was just so crazy... The concert was amazing. One I am glad I didnt miss. I'd probably say this concert is #4 or #5 on the greatest shows I ever saw. (no thanks to Chokebore)
Late but... That's so freakin' awesome that you got to see Nirvana live!
Nirvana was one of the best concerts I ever saw. If I remember correctly, Butthole Surfers and Chokebore opened and were both almost boo'd off the stage. I bought my 10 dollars ticket at the door an hour before the show... Nirvana was so large back in 1994, and their stage presence was just amazing. What really made the show though was the energy in the crowd. It is difficult to really describe it with words.... but it's like when they played lithium the whole crowd was jumping up and down as high as you could during "I'm so happy, Cause today I found my friends...." and when he got to the "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah" screaming like everyone was jumping at least a foot higher. It was just so crazy... The concert was amazing. One I am glad I didnt miss. I'd probably say this concert is #4 or #5 on the greatest shows I ever saw. (no thanks to Chokebore)
Hard to beleive, but we actually agree on this. Nirvana is most definitely in my top 3 or 4 shows and I'm glad that I got to see him play and sing live. The people hating on Nirvana just don't get it. They didn't get it then and they won't get it now. Their loss if you ask me.
i got to watch the metal i loved in the 80's and early 90's get phased out and replaced by grunge. Death of grunge caused the metal that all the people on this board listen to make a comeback
Grunge died? Somebody better alert STP, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden now cuz they're still drawing a check. Grunge never "died" just like metal never died when grunge was at it's height.
i got to watch the metal i loved in the 80's and early 90's get phased out and replaced by grunge. Death of grunge caused the metal that all the people on this board listen to make a comeback
Grunge died? Somebody better alert STP, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden now cuz they're still drawing a check. Grunge never "died" just like metal never died when grunge was at it's height.
i got to watch the metal i loved in the 80's and early 90's get phased out and replaced by grunge. Death of grunge caused the metal that all the people on this board listen to make a comeback
Grunge died? Somebody better alert STP, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden now cuz they're still drawing a check. Grunge never "died" just like metal never died when grunge was at it's height.
yah cuz bands before them like twisted sister and ratt had great lyrics, give me a break. nirvana was different and different sells. now you could argue they arent 100 percent original but they were at least different
Way to listen to 2 songs by Twisted Sister and judge them on that.
This. Way underrated band.
Ratt is also good stuff.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Nirvana was one of the best concerts I ever saw.(CUT) I'd probably say this concert is #4 or #5 on the greatest shows I ever saw. (no thanks to Chokebore)
Late but... That's so freakin' awesome that you got to see Nirvana live!
I even got up on stage! \m/ Long story short I was crowd surfing and when the security grabbed me to escort me out of the front area, I broke his grip and jumped on stage... ran straight at Grohl but before I got there security came out the side... I circled away from them and ran right between kurt and Krist and dove back in the crowed. My buds were all freaking out that I was on stage with Nirvana. Just a really great night.
Hard to beleive, but we actually agree on this. Nirvana is most definitely in my top 3 or 4 shows and I'm glad that I got to see him play and sing live. The people hating on Nirvana just don't get it. They didn't get it then and they won't get it now. Their loss if you ask me.
Ratt is also good stuff.