Anyone part of any April Fools Jokes today?
My wife logged in as me on facebook and saw a coworker was on. she pretended she was me and asked her to borrow $20. I was not at my desk at the time, but when i got to my desk therre was $20 waiting for me. ended up giving the money back
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sure they were all crying, but I bet when they look back on this day they will think I am a pretty good practical joker.
yeah... I didnt do that. I would give credit for where I stole it, but I heard it so long ago now that I cant remember who the source was.
"Hey. I heard you're from Jersey Shore. You from Jersey Shore? Yes yes. What? Oh yeah. It's Behemoth. Mega Behemoth. Yes. Really. You should call me back. You know, if the gloves don't fit, you should wear socks. Really."
He always gets me with something. Even if it's not April 1st.
Our city is is encased in an aura of filth for the next 12 hours.