The song isn't meant to be taken seriously. We aren't listening to Pink Floyd here. His verse was fun and did what it was suppose to do. The second verse obviously not better than the first, but still good. The song would have made paper, but not as much as it's making now.
The song itself isn't "fun" though, it's more atmospheric. When you have a song that's like a soundscape and then generic YEEUH BOY I GET BITCHES SPACE SPACE SPACE lyrics, it kills it.
I don't think I should even reply to something this stupid.
How is it stupid? The song is in no way serious, but it certainly isn't a fun song like California Gurls. They song itself is awesome and simple and has everything it needs to be. Suck Kanye's dick all you want, his rap is unnecessary and uninspired.
His rap matched the background of what the song is about, derpy derpy doo. If he was talking about getting money and selling drugs, then you would have a point. Right now, you don't.
The song isn't meant to be taken seriously. We aren't listening to Pink Floyd here. His verse was fun and did what it was suppose to do. The second verse obviously not better than the first, but still good. The song would have made paper, but not as much as it's making now.
The song itself isn't "fun" though, it's more atmospheric. When you have a song that's like a soundscape and then generic YEEUH BOY I GET BITCHES SPACE SPACE SPACE lyrics, it kills it.
I don't think I should even reply to something this stupid.
How is it stupid? The song is in no way serious, but it certainly isn't a fun song like California Gurls. They song itself is awesome and simple and has everything it needs to be. Suck Kanye's dick all you want, his rap is unnecessary and uninspired.
His rap matched the background of what the song is about, derpy derpy doo. If he was talking about getting money and selling drugs, then you would have a point. Right now, you don't.
I don't care. His rap was half-assed.
I was actually interested in seeing how he would add to the song, but he didn't do shit. If you wanna think it's amazing, then go for it. I think it's a crock of shit.
How is it stupid? The song is in no way serious, but it certainly isn't a fun song like California Gurls. The song itself is awesome and simple and has everything it needs to be a good song. Suck Kanye's dick all you want, his rap is unnecessary and uninspired.
I see what you're saying, George, and that's fine. I don't even get defensive over stuff like this, but when people say some asinine shit like the stuff that I just read earlier, I will reply to it.
How is it stupid? The song is in no way serious, but it certainly isn't a fun song like California Gurls. The song itself is awesome and simple and has everything it needs to be a good song. Suck Kanye's dick all you want, his rap is unnecessary and uninspired.
Her eyes are terrifying in that much happiness.........
I like Kanye and he's a corner stone in the hiphop genre right now. He is very original and does alot of great solo work and collaborations, examples being the jayz rihanna song, and the drake, eminem song. but this just isnt his best work. I think youre right that they maybe werent getting enough attention to this song that they wanted, so they added knaye into it for poularity reasons, but imo he doesnt make the song better and he does not kill it, and I agree with brian, itsd a half ass rap they threw together to just bring the song to the fron quicker. imo this song would have been a hit anyway, it would have just taken longer, but adding to diverse musicians to a song will always bring more attention to it, so i understand why they did it, i just personally like the original better and think it could have done without the rap, but i understand why they did it.
I like Kanye and he's a corner stone in the hiphop genre right now. He is very original and does alot of great solo work and collaborations, examples being the jayz rihanna song, and the drake, eminem song. but this just isnt his best work. I think youre right that they maybe werent getting enough attention to this song that they wanted, so they added knaye into it for poularity reasons, but imo he doesnt make the song better and he does not kill it, and I agree with brian, itsd a half ass rap they threw together to just bring the song to the fron quicker. imo this song would have been a hit anyway, it would have just taken longer, but adding to diverse musicians to a song will always bring more attention to it, so i understand why they did it, i just personally like the original better and think it could have done without the rap, but i understand why they did it.
This exactly. I respect Kanye and I like what I've heard from him, but his collaboration does not do it for me.
You have a Pop song that has potential. You get someone who is of a different genre that has a big fanbase and add him to a revised version. Now you have hip hop fans liking the song because of that artist and rap elements being present. Song profits big off of this.
You have a Pop song that has potential. You get someone who is of a different genre that has a big fanbase and add him to a revised version. Now you have hip hop fans liking the song because of that artist and rap elements being present. Song profits big off of this.
Ed, no one is arguing that his inclusion isn't making the song more popular. We know it is. We are simply stating that the rap isn't good in our opinions.
No, you're saying the rap isn't good based on it being corny. The rhymes were tight and did what it meant to do. The rhymes even stayed on the subject of the song. Once again, we aren't listening to omg I'm serious satanic black metal here.
What the fuck does black metal have to do with this? The lyrics suck. I would think you would have higher standards for someone you hold in such high regard.
Kanye is a great lyricist, but once again, in this particular song it just isnt shown. KP is singing about how her love for someone is pretty much out of this world, hence the alience theme...kanye raps about how he's going to fuck someone, how he doesnt give a fuck and is a legend, and he throws some ET lines in the end to i guess stick to the theme of the song. It doesn't make the song better, just more popular because Knaye West is in it. I just listened to his song All Falls DOwn, that is a great song and he kills it in that song among many others. They just wanted to skyrocket this song to the top of the charts, and it worked, so good job to them. He was added to make the song popular quicker and it worked.
I was actually interested in seeing how he would add to the song, but he didn't do shit. If you wanna think it's amazing, then go for it. I think it's a crock of shit.