I can't really think of 10 that I actually think suck, but I will say Cradle Of Filth is the one metal band I've never been able to stand. Such an annoying group.
1. Manowar! 2. Slayer 3. Manowar! 4. BLS 5. Manowar! 6. Mayhem 7. Manowar! 8. Burzum 9. Manowar! 10. Ozzy (more as a singer than a band though)
cant's say that im much of a hater really (except for the Manowar entity, in case it wasn't clear).... and a lot of the smaller, irrelevant, bands just aren't worth listing too.
Metalcore is a fusion of metal and hardcore, it could really be considered a subgenre of both.
Ok, half of metalcore is metal, bands like KSE, ATR, and stuff. The others like August Burns Red and such are nooooooo
Deathcore is metal.
Nu metal is not.
Prog bands can be metal.
2. Slayer
3. Manowar!
4. BLS
5. Manowar!
6. Mayhem
7. Manowar!
8. Burzum
9. Manowar!
10. Ozzy (more as a singer than a band though)
cant's say that im much of a hater really (except for the Manowar entity, in case it wasn't clear).... and a lot of the smaller, irrelevant, bands just aren't worth listing too.
what does anything metalcore have to do with, say, the bad brains? or minor threat? or black flag? metalcore is a dumb name.
and disturbed's first album is good idc what anyone says
korplikanni or however the fuck u spell it
and any other goofy folk crap that needs to die out asap