Helmet is seriously terrible. I bought Meantime the first day it came out because I liked Unsung, but that's their most successful album and other than 2 songs it blows. I have seen them live twice and they were one of the most boring bands that i've ever seen live.
In Flames are fucking legends. No matter what you think of their newest albums, nothing Helmet has ever done is even close to what In Flames has accomplished and that can't be disputed.
Helmet is seriously terrible. I bought Meantime the first day it came out because I liked Unsung, but that's their most successful album and other than 2 songs it blows. I have seen them live twice and they were one of the most boring bands that i've ever seen live.
In Flames are fucking legends. No matter what you think of their newest albums, nothing Helmet has ever done is even close to what In Flames has accomplished and that can't be disputed.
you 2 fuckers are trolling now....
...someone's been to wikipedia :>
No wiki just k-nowledge brutha
even if you don't like Helmet, they dont suck. theyve had alot of influence on music in general.
>:D< c'mon George, It ain't stupidity, it's opinion. That's hurtful. I thought we were bros? btw I used to like RATM, but I used to like alot of bands in the 90's that I don't anymore. Their sound and act just wore thin with me and I got tired of them. I even used to have a Rage shirt.
Thinking Helmet is good...I won't say it's stupidity, because i think that's ignorant, but I will say it's poor musical tastes imo.
cmon man, hurtful? i aint tryna hurt no feelings, just playing broz >:D<
and i think helmet is a very good band. theyre simplicity is what makes them go. they can take any simple riff and make it into a decent chill song. they are not really heavy, they are a chill band. i can see why people dont like them, i just dont think they suck, they deserve better than that. and its not poor music tastes, i cannot stand in flames anymore, but i know they donnot suck, they are very talented and have been a driving force in the music community for a long time, just like helmet. theyeve influenced alot of bands especially in the sludge/groove category. i can understand a dislike for a band, but they dont suck.
Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk tha corner to tha rubble that used to be a library line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps tha contracts alive an movin' They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells They rally round the family! With pockets full of shells!
In Flames 3
In Flames 4
In Flames 5
Thinking Helmet is good...I won't say it's stupidity, because i think that's ignorant, but I will say it's poor musical tastes imo.
and i think helmet is a very good band. theyre simplicity is what makes them go. they can take any simple riff and make it into a decent chill song. they are not really heavy, they are a chill band. i can see why people dont like them, i just dont think they suck, they deserve better than that. and its not poor music tastes, i cannot stand in flames anymore, but i know they donnot suck, they are very talented and have been a driving force in the music community for a long time, just like helmet. theyeve influenced alot of bands especially in the sludge/groove category. i can understand a dislike for a band, but they dont suck.
In Flames 5
LOL I don't think this will EVER get old. :-))
In Flames 6
Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal
I walk tha corner to tha rubble that used to be a library line
up to the mind cemetery now
What we don't know keeps tha contracts alive an movin'
They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em
While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells
They rally round the family! With pockets full of shells!