but if you aren't familiar with a band, why would you vote for them over a band that you like, after hearing only one song?
If you aren't familiar with a band, why would you vote against them without doing your homework? <_>
because if you like a band, you're gonna vote for them..... skully all of a sudden isn't going to " do his homework" and go on an Obituary listening spree just so he can see if they earn his vote. <_> <_> <_> first Jay faces I ever made btw
Helmet is seriously terrible. I bought Meantime the first day it came out because I liked Unsung, but that's their most successful album and other than 2 songs it blows. I have seen them live twice and they were one of the most boring bands that i've ever seen live.
In Flames are fucking legends. No matter what you think of their newest albums, nothing Helmet has ever done is even close to what In Flames has accomplished and that can't be disputed.
Helmet is seriously terrible. I bought Meantime the first day it came out because I liked Unsung, but that's their most successful album and other than 2 songs it blows. I have seen them live twice and they were one of the most boring bands that i've ever seen live.
In Flames are fucking legends. No matter what you think of their newest albums, nothing Helmet has ever done is even close to what In Flames has accomplished and that can't be disputed.
In Flames 1
See you guys later tonight maybe...
In Flames 1
In Flames 1
Helmet 2
In Flames 2
helmets new stuff is bomb too if people havent heard it
:0& :0& :0&
... but i'm lawling cuz nola nola? :-))
Helmet is seriously terrible. I bought Meantime the first day it came out because I liked Unsung, but that's their most successful album and other than 2 songs it blows. I have seen them live twice and they were one of the most boring bands that i've ever seen live.
In Flames are fucking legends. No matter what you think of their newest albums, nothing Helmet has ever done is even close to what In Flames has accomplished and that can't be disputed.
you 2 fuckers are trolling now....