"what nore is there to know about your life? you have no job or college education, you sit at home with marc and complain here about him every day i call you uneducated because you literally are FUCKIN DEAL WITH MY RESPONSE TO YOUR OPINION"
1. You don't need to know shit about my life 2. I don't complain about Marc everyday, sorry 3. Call me uneducated all you want then, you're better then everyone else here anyway right? 4. You obviously can't deal with my opinion if you just HAD to reply hours later
/drama high school bullshit
hours later because i was in a college algebra class you know, not eveyone sits here all day like you bbydoll
Quite frankly Diana, I'm shocked.
And that calls for <_>
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Just turn around boy let me hit that
Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat
Just show me where yo dick's at
you know, not eveyone sits here all day like you bbydoll
I've been waiting to use this picture for a very long time.