forive me, but i wana try and get back on topic here, ive seen all that remains 3 times, and theyve blown me away every time. I dont see him doin great for killswitch, and it would be the smart idea for kse to try and get jesse to fill in for them, but whooo the else could take howards spot? i happen to think phil is a mazing vocalist, i watched him do the song "The Weak Willed" which is damn near pig squelling the entire song, and then do "Two weeks" which is a clean-cut song all the way through... i think he could pull off most of kse songs. especially anything off alive or just breathing.
idk thats just me though, my buddy tell s me that ATR plays favorites and rlly half-asses their set in alot of states
i got A few vids of the first time i saw ATR back in march 2008, lmao i havent been on myspace in like a year, i toattly forgot about this video. mad cheesy video editing i know. i was a young metalhead...
Ive sen both killswitch and ATR like 5 times and they both put on really good shows. i seriously doubt that jesse would fill in for howard and phil probably already knows most to all the songs. it would be interesting to hear what killswitch would sound like with phil on vox and dio suxxxxx
NEWSFLASH, My Curse was on Guitar Hero 3, THAT'S why they got huge, because it soon after became a radio hit.
Same thing with In Flames and DragonForce.
And quit riding Dio's cock. You guys talk about me riding Behemoth's cock, well I "ride their cocks" so to say because I find them to be a better band than ANYONE else and love their entire catalog, you guys ride Dio's cock because you seem to think it's "necessary" since he's a legend.
I agree Ed. Even ADD didn't seem like a hit though.
Imo, the only reason people found out about Killswitch was Guitar Hero and WWE.
I'd also like to add that the video edit of My Curse that was in Guitar Hero and Rock Band is fucking gay. I've never understood why they edit the songs to just singing...gross.
(I understand for airplay, but it still doesn't make sense to me. The songs get so watered down.)
forive me, but i wana try and get back on topic here, ive seen all that remains 3 times, and theyve blown me away every time. I dont see him doin great for killswitch, and it would be the smart idea for kse to try and get jesse to fill in for them, but whooo the else could take howards spot? i happen to think phil is a mazing vocalist, i watched him do the song "The Weak Willed" which is damn near pig squelling the entire song, and then do "Two weeks" which is a clean-cut song all the way through... i think he could pull off most of kse songs. especially anything off alive or just breathing.
idk thats just me though, my buddy tell s me that ATR plays favorites and rlly half-asses their set in alot of states
i got A few vids of the first time i saw ATR back in march 2008, lmao i havent been on myspace in like a year, i toattly forgot about this video. mad cheesy video editing i know. i was a young metalhead...
ALL THAT REMAINS - Opening Song - " The Air That I Breathe."
Moo-Guy? | MySpace Video
KsE, in NO WAY, got huge off of Holy Diver.
NEWSFLASH, My Curse was on Guitar Hero 3, THAT'S why they got huge, because it soon after became a radio hit.
Same thing with In Flames and DragonForce.
And quit riding Dio's cock. You guys talk about me riding Behemoth's cock, well I "ride their cocks" so to say because I find them to be a better band than ANYONE else and love their entire catalog, you guys ride Dio's cock because you seem to think it's "necessary" since he's a legend.
But Scene girls galore, and I'z
Too bad teh Scene gurlz don't
Imo, the only reason people found out about Killswitch was Guitar Hero and WWE.
I'd also like to add that the video edit of My Curse that was in Guitar Hero and Rock Band is fucking gay. I've never understood why they edit the songs to just singing...gross.
(I understand for airplay, but it still doesn't make sense to me. The songs get so watered down.)