so as you know if you've been paying attention, we've been trying to work on our first full length LP and the truth is that although we have most of it written and we're happy with what we have, we keep running into the same walls with members losing interest, real life priorities, etc etc. Nothing dramatic, just the inevitable shit that happens when you've been a band for nearly eight years with the same core of people. So rather than suck it up to push out something we're not 100% on, or force people to do this band as a chore rather than something they feel passionately about, we have decided to throw in the towel.
There will not be a last show and we'll have to drop off our future engagements. It makes no sense for us to play TIH when there are so many young bands who deserve that slot or other hardworking bands who will do something with it.
It goes without saying that we all feel incredibly lucky to have experienced everything we have through the frame of this band, and that we're also incredibly grateful to everyone who put out our records, filled in for us, booked us, put us up for the night, or just listened and supported us. Almost all of the happiest moments of my life are directly or indirectly tied to this band and none of it would have happened without you.
Our music meant a lot to us and we stand by all of it: the anthology LP "circle of blood" which will collect our 3 EPs will still be coming out on six feet under records this summer. That will be the final document of this band. In the future this space will contain information about that as well as any of our future projects, etc.
meh it's the end i just skipped to it because i figured people would actually pop off for the last song because thats usually the most intense. weak pit was weak.
they broke up.
they posted this 2 days ago...
WA 2006 - 2014
so as you know if you've been paying attention, we've been trying to work on our first full length LP and the truth is that although we have most of it written and we're happy with what we have, we keep running into the same walls with members losing interest, real life priorities, etc etc. Nothing dramatic, just the inevitable shit that happens when you've been a band for nearly eight years with the same core of people. So rather than suck it up to push out something we're not 100% on, or force people to do this band as a chore rather than something they feel passionately about, we have decided to throw in the towel.
There will not be a last show and we'll have to drop off our future engagements. It makes no sense for us to play TIH when there are so many young bands who deserve that slot or other hardworking bands who will do something with it.
It goes without saying that we all feel incredibly lucky to have experienced everything we have through the frame of this band, and that we're also incredibly grateful to everyone who put out our records, filled in for us, booked us, put us up for the night, or just listened and supported us. Almost all of the happiest moments of my life are directly or indirectly tied to this band and none of it would have happened without you.
Our music meant a lot to us and we stand by all of it: the anthology LP "circle of blood" which will collect our 3 EPs will still be coming out on six feet under records this summer. That will be the final document of this band. In the future this space will contain information about that as well as any of our future projects, etc.
Thank you and goodbye,
Your friends,
Wrong Answer
Incendiary's live show is fucking ridiculous and this video is a pretty accurate representation of how wild it gets...
lifeless new shit is dope. Check it.. Fans of sludgy thrash shit
shit was weak, more standing than moving. vocalist sucked.
dont think we watched the same video, but k....
crowd moved for like .2 at the beginning
Ov didn't watch whole video...
you can't watch it all because it's poverty and stops working like 3 minutes in
that's probably your wifi not the video...
I need some suggestions. Both in hardcore and traditional punk please and thanks.
Best powerviolece I've heard in a long time. Has elements of hardcore, black metal, doom, and post-rock.
Todd would be knocked out cold within 2 mins of a hardcore pit.