This is where they seperate the men from the boys. You can go rub your drunk ass face against some sweaty guys titty in your trifflin ass push pit, idc what band is playinG, Metallica, Deftones, Hatebreed, Trapped Under Ice, Madball, when I pit I pit the same way everytime. I dont know how to hardcore dance or two step or pick up change. I just punch people. Fuck you Todd. Go hug your boyfriends. I'm mashin peoples grillz.
Sorry y'all can't handle the tru mosh. You think I'm bad.. Go watch videos of Metallica and Pantera from the 80's/90's no one was safe. Y'all some soft ass niggas. Go listen to Incubus.
Seriously though, I'm weak as fuck, I know that. I'd still like to get up close without getting swung on though.
>doesn't punch in pits
>good guy MC