Yeah i understand, and yes we'll book 1 other band from your area to make it easier, and once I have the Tampa show booked, I can get my friend Andrew in Atlanta to book a show for you guys as well.
Yeah, just wondering cause even though we'd love to we can't afford to get bands that all need 100-200 each, you guys I understand cause you're coming a long way and you're signed, fucking Dark Sermon are locals and won't do it for less than 200, but the others all need 30-50 each.
hey George, gonna have to to wait just a little longer on setting up the concert, I'm definite;y going to do it i promise, but I need to wait till I start my job and save up the money and have it on hand before I do, the show will be in Oct/Nov hopefully.
It's gonna cost me around a grand so that's why I'm being more cautious.
Dark Sermon would be headlining, then Wirethrone, and you guys would be 3rd to last of 7 bands.
Everything from hardcore to progressive instrumental metal, to melodeath and metalcore, I'm excited and hope I can get the money.
But yeah we'd love to have them along.
It's gonna cost me around a grand so that's why I'm being more cautious.