1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited April 2013
Lol. The crowd was probably a bunch of old people reliving their youth and then the hipsters who listen to the classic punk bands. They gotta instagram that shit yo.
My friend that led me to discovering hardcore is from there!
the california scene seems beat as fuck, first they cancel sound and fury obv cause noone was buy tix, that black flag show was an embarrasment to humanity, now this, stuckup simps wont just watch a band. even if i dont particularly like a band i'll go up and watch if theyre not getting a good reaction. california sucks.
the california scene seems beat as fuck, first they cancel sound and fury obv cause noone was buy tix, that black flag show was an embarrasment to humanity, now this, stuckup simps wont just watch a band. even if i dont particularly like a band i'll go up and watch if theyre not getting a good reaction. california sucks.
A couple of shows don't determine a whole scene, but I getcha
I mean they have a ton of awesome bands out there so there has to be something worthwhile
the california scene seems beat as fuck, first they cancel sound and fury obv cause noone was buy tix, that black flag show was an embarrasment to humanity, now this, stuckup simps wont just watch a band. even if i dont particularly like a band i'll go up and watch if theyre not getting a good reaction. california sucks.
Forreal. I'll get up and stand off to the side if I don't know them or don't care for them.
My friend that led me to discovering hardcore is from there!
But seriously, this place sucks I hope I never am anywhere near these bitch made simps.
Let's be cool and sit up top for ACxDC because we only care about Rotting Out
Wish ACxDC's recent output wasn't lame
Nowhere near as memorable, lyrics aren't even close
I mean they have a ton of awesome bands out there so there has to be something worthwhile