lol, i just read their FB. they fucked up big time... i wouldnt be surprised if they disbanded within a few weeks. noway they can last now. the way he acted is the total opposite of what this shit stands for. sucks, they were a good band, but after seeing that, makes me think they are pozers. some people are taking it too serious though, just write them off... theyre done.
Trapped under ice dude apologized to the kid to his face after the show. kid accepted it.
This is what happened according to them. When the kid jumped up he accedently pulled the singer down and the singer hit his head everything went blurry and he started swinging he didn't know if someone was trying to fight him or what.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Trapped under ice dude apologized to the kid to his face after the show. kid accepted it.
This is what happened according to them. When the kid jumped up he accedently pulled the singer down and the singer hit his head everything went blurry and he started swinging he didn't know if someone was trying to fight him or what.
but thats not what happened, the singer jumped off the stage and into the crowd and swung on the dude, then he got back on stage and called the dude out and acted like a bitch afterwards. i understand people make mistakes, but that was just appauling and uncalled for. and btw... singers at HC shows get knocked down and hit all them time, he should have just dealt with it like everyone else in the crowd does, but since he had a mic, he though he was better then everyone else and attacked someone for getting hit. people get hit at hardcore shows, trust me last october i got hit hard in the eye and had to go to hospital and take madd pills cause my eye was all infected and shit, but i didnt swing on anyone, its just part of what heppenes at shows. he was out of line.
all i can see is him in the crowd taking a few steps and swinging, noone was attacking him, he just swung. cmon ape, you know how it is at these shows, people get hit all night, he acted a fool... and his badn is prolly gonna suffer for it, they were climbing the ladder in the genre and this is gonna knock them down a huge bit. people are not beat for this shit...
I know that you cannot see the part where the kid jumps on him and you cannot see him hit the ground. Also the only one that should be mad is the kid it happened to and all was made right by the band to that kid when they met him face to face after the show and he apologized. Like I said at the beginning of this I think it was a misunderstanding that escalated and went bad. Shit happens people move on. Seems like both the band and the kid are moving on
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
i can show you a million videos where singers get hit hard. attacking a fan is not cool and the way he acted like a diva on stage afterwards was just childish. i'm glad he apologized to the kid cause he deserved an apology, but it doesnt make it bullshit. thats some straight up conceided type bullshit. Scott or Jamey would never hit a fan.
what happened: US-"Hardcore"band TRAPPED UNDER ICE played a show and a kid who loved the band jumped over the singer (aka pile-on / stagedive) so he could sing-a-long, they both fell down the stage (absolutely no harm to the kid NOR the singer because of this), the singer then hit the kid two times in the face, the kid in defense not really knowing what the fuck was going on hit back, then chaos ensued, another member of the band left the stage and together with his singer started severly beating and stomping the kid resulting in a broken jaw that needed surgery. back on stage the singer says "i'm not a fucking superhero, don't jump on me, don't you fucking hit me" well this is BULLSHIT because if you are into Hardcore you know that singers get jumped on ALL THE TIME by enthusiastic fans. and the "Don't fucking hit me" shit, well on the video you can clearly see that the singer hits the kid first!!!
i get hit all the time at shows, its part of the atmosphere in hardcore.... i've been punched in the face, kicked in the face, people jumped on my head, multiple elbows... i never swing on anyone. everyone knows you get hit at shows. the singer should know better, people who stagedive bump the singer, and i dont buy he was blinded... he went right for the dude who ran into him on stage. cant you just admit he acted like a fucking asshole by attacking a fan? queers like marily manson attack fans...
what happened: US-"Hardcore"band TRAPPED UNDER ICE played a show and a kid who loved the band jumped over the singer (aka pile-on / stagedive) so he could sing-a-long, they both fell down the stage (absolutely no harm to the kid NOR the singer because of this), the singer then hit the kid two times in the face, the kid in defense not really knowing what the fuck was going on hit back, then chaos ensued, another member of the band left the stage and together with his singer started severly beating and stomping the kid resulting in a broken jaw that needed surgery. back on stage the singer says "i'm not a fucking superhero, don't jump on me, don't you fucking hit me" well this is BULLSHIT because if you are into Hardcore you know that singers get jumped on ALL THE TIME by enthusiastic fans. and the "Don't fucking hit me" shit, well on the video you can clearly see that the singer hits the kid first!!!
the point is, its not hardcore.
@ape.. the singer acted like a bitch. attacking a fan for no reason is against the beliefs of th scene, keep that fucking diva behavior out of this genre, thats why people are mad about it.
Without knowing the full story I cannot take sides I was not there. Also like I said before the only one that should be mad doesn't care so why should anybody else. Shit happens people fight people get over it.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I do not agree with what he did once he got back on stage but I cannot pass judgement about what happened without having been there and only seeing a partial clip from a hard to see venue with lights going in and out.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
i disagree, he made a choice to act a fool. he wasnt blinded, he kknew exactly who to go after. he was just asshurt someone knocked into him. i'm not saying i hate the guy or anything, i've made way worse mistakes in my life then that, but its gonna hurt the band. especially with them going on tour with one of the cornerstones of hardcore in a few weeks. i just really think he lost his cool, it wasnt cause he couldnt see or anything like that, he just got mad and swung. he knew what happened, you can tell byy what he says afterwards he knew exactly what happened, he says "dont jump into me when i'm on stage" the guy made a mistake and alot of people are blowing it way out of propotion, but what he did was wrong and he did do the right thing by apologizing to the guy. we'll see what happenes from here on out for them...
i just think fightin at shows is lame as shit. if you can't handle the pits, don't go. fighting ruins shit, it gets the cops called, shuts down venues, and gives bands a bad name. it's uncalled for to fight at a show...
This is what happened according to them. When the kid jumped up he accedently pulled the singer down and the singer hit his head everything went blurry and he started swinging he didn't know if someone was trying to fight him or what.
@ape.. the singer acted like a bitch. attacking a fan for no reason is against the beliefs of th scene, keep that fucking diva behavior out of this genre, thats why people are mad about it.
Two times ago when I saw terror there were 3 fights within 5 songs.