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I'm going to Detroit, who's coming with me?



  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    My point still stands.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited August 2011
    I HAD a review, but then it got deleted so I have to rewrite it <_>
    i'll post my pics later on tomorrow.
    and wills mom wanted mikey to piss on her
    That was the most intense, fucked up moment in my life.

    It was all the drinks and Chucks wacky weed.

    She also had all of Machine Head sign her cleavage.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited August 2011
    I HAD a review, but then it got deleted so I have to rewrite it <_>
    i'll post my pics later on tomorrow.
    and wills mom wanted mikey to piss on her
    That was the most intense, fucked up moment in my life.

    It was all the drinks and Chucks wacky weed.

    She also had all of Machine Head sign her cleavage.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner;

    I found Dayna and will's friend
    I'm looking for them right now (watching vid)
    But the guys at :53 that the camera sees a couple times were actually guys I met across from the DTE before the show, and they actually drove all the way from minnesota without tickets to be at the show. They were lucky to get everything they needed.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers;

    I found Dayna and will's friend
    I'm looking for them right now (watching vid)
    But the guys at :53 that the camera sees a couple times were actually guys I met across from the DTE before the show, and they actually drove all the way from minnesota without tickets to be at the show. They were lucky to get everything they needed.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Yeah, and all through the day I would see em in lines or at the hill or in mosh pits and we would always rock or mosh together.

    In a very bizarre coincidence, I was moshing with this guy in the pit during Hatebreed a LOT, and then I saw him later on down by the entrance after megadeth. He was with a lady (who I didnt recognize at the moment) and he yelled out, "Hey Man! How's Eternity?"
    (My girlfriends name).

    And I'm like "Uh......what?"
    "How's Eternity?"

    ANd I'm like, " you know I'm dating her?"

    And thel ady next to her was like, "She's my daughter dude!"
    And then I realized it was her mom and her recently new boyfriend who I heard about, and I only know him as the guy who met Dimmu in Norway.

    Small world, huh?
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yeah, and all through the day I would see em in lines or at the hill or in mosh pits and we would always rock or mosh together.

    In a very bizarre coincidence, I was moshing with this guy in the pit during Hatebreed a LOT, and then I saw him later on down by the entrance after megadeth. He was with a lady (who I didnt recognize at the moment) and he yelled out, "Hey Man! How's Eternity?"
    (My girlfriends name).

    And I'm like "Uh......what?"
    "How's Eternity?"

    ANd I'm like, " you know I'm dating her?"

    And thel ady next to her was like, "She's my daughter dude!"
    And then I realized it was her mom and her recently new boyfriend who I heard about, and I only know him as the guy who met Dimmu in Norway.

    Small world, huh?
    Damn I guess so.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited August 2011
    Yeah, she looked completely different =/
    I recognized the dude right away but I was completely caught off-guard when he said that. And then I felt stupid for not realizing who the chick was.

    Tyler (my friend) is gonna flip when he sees himself in that vid haha
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Also, if you don't have deep pockets, safety-pinning them down is a guaranteed way to keep your shit from falling out while surfing.
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i spy a dayna and a brad

    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • HOODSHOODS Posts: 41,866 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I spy hair on Will's head [-(
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    i spy jay not giving a jayface :/
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    totally <_>
    you say this like its a bad thing :/
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    First, the review. INB4 TLDR. Copied from my facebook.

    Mayhem Festival, the greatest day of my summer, the day that I look foward to every year, the day that is always the highlight of my summer. My friends and I have been looking forward to this day ever since the day we left the DTE gates last year. This year was gonna be a big year for everyone; my crew this year was Me and my Mom, my friend Sven and his girl Jess, and my friends Ty, Tiller, Josh, and Aaron.

    Not only would I have all my friends, but I would also have at least 10 other people I would be meeting up with that day. Even more importantly, me and Brandon, one of the guys I would be meeting up with, had both won VIP passes to the show!

    Unfortunately, it wasn't all-access, meaning we couldn't go backstage, but we were able to use it for other purposes, which I will discuss later in the review. Importantly, (and realized a little late, don't ask how), the VIP pass came with a free general admission ticket, which we didn't realize until after we left the house that day.

    We woke up at about 6 AM and didn't leave until about 7, right on schedule. We weren't even a block away when Tiller called me, asking if we could pick him up. He was gonna go with his family, but we figured he would have more of a fun time going with us instead, and since they were all going to the same place, we told him to meet us in the next town over. About 5 minutes later, I was re-reading the winning Email on my phone and I realized that we had an extra ticket! I couldn't believe I was so stupid to not realize it before! After a lot of frantic calling, we finally got Aaron. Waking him up, we yelled, "AARON! YOU'RE GOING TO MAYHEM!" And he agreed to meet us further down the way.

    We finally got to the venue about 10 AM (Which never felt like a three hour drive, year after year) after a few stops at the party store and a Walgreens close to the venue, and were all set to chill. Initially, the security let us in so we could go pick up our tickets, but the lady wouldn't give me the VIP pass because they weren't dropped off yet. Me and Aaron walked back to the van, and shortly after, got kicked out of the parking lot because parking wasn't open until noon.

    Instead, we opted to hang out at the parking lot across the street from the venue. Not sure what exactly the buildings were, but there were lots of parking lots to hang out in, and in fact, there were several people already gathered over there even though it was still early. But that was our plan from the get-go, we wanted to get there early and not miss anything. Armed with a fully loaded cooler, we were all set for the next few hours. At this point, Tiller had made it a habit of walking around shirtless and asking everyone the same question: "Who wants my sex?" at the top of his lungs, and I thought it was hilarious, but I didn't want him to ask some douche and get punched or whatever.

    During the next few hours, we talked with all the people around us, smoking hookah and jamming to whatever was playing out of the cars (everything from Dio to Manson to Volbeat). Some of the guys we met had even drove all the way from Minnesota, a 15+ hour drive and they didn't even have tickets! I later saw them in the venue a BUNCH of times, and it's a miracle they were able to get tickets for all of them. As the time went on, I got a call from Drew, one of the people I was meeting that day, and I told him I was across the venue. Turns out he was already there, he was just in the parking lot on the other side. I went over there and met him and his girl (who's name escapes me right now) at the Scion Toaster that he was driving. Yes, a metalhead was driving a Toaster. His girl was ultra-cool, and it was good to see him again. Eventually he started a trek to go to the Walgreens across the street for drinks, so I went back over to where I was.

    Shortly after, Ty, Tiller and I walked over to the side of the building away from the noise and over to the woods so we could take a piss. Tiller wandered over to a different car to talk with the people, and then as I was walking back ('cause I didn't want to wait for Ty that badly), a black car started driving towards me. I flashed the devil horns at them, like I do to every car, and then I looked closer at who was driving, and with a loud, "Oh, SHIT!" I realized who it was: None other then the legendary Brad and Dayna.

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Naturally, I started running, because Brad had been in talks of shaving my head. But then I remembered that Tiller wanted to know if Brad would shave his head into a mohawk, so I grabbed Tiller and walked back to their car. After proper introductions, and Tiller asking if they wanted his sex, we started talking about the plans for the day, like the meetup and all that. Drew and his girl came over and were hanging too. Turns out, Brad didn't even bring the shaving tools because he said he didn't want to hear me crying about it for the next year. Fine by me. Eventually, we all started moving, and I told Brad and Dayna that I would meet up with them back in the actual venue parking lot.

    Unfortunately, the parking lot was still kicking people out, but at 5 minutes to noon, we drove in and decided to stay anyway. They said they would let us in to get our passes, but we think it was also because we kind of bribed them with water bottles the first time leaving the parking lot. Aaron, Tiller and I walked up to get the pass, but the box office STILL didn't have them. So walking back, Tiller got stopped because security thought his glass bottle of Cherry Cola was a bottle of beer, and they asked Tiller if he was wearing underwear under his tripp shorts, and he responded with "Depends on how much you're willing to pay to find out ;D " And after he was finished flirting with female security, we again made our way back to the van. Shortly after we got there (or before we left, idk) Drew pulled in right behind my van! We talked with him for a while and then he left to get us a spot in line.

    After more time spent at the van and talking with people parked around us, Aaron and I, for the third time that day, ran back up the parking lot to the ticket booth. As we were coming around the corner, I heard a voice say, "And there he is!" to my right, and I looked over, and it was Mikey and his friend Mike who he brings every year. Call it good timing or whatever, but after a quick hello, I instructed him to go find Drew in the front of the line, and he told me where Drew and Dayna were parked. After FINALLY getting my VIP pass, I handed the ticket to Aaron and we made a run back to the van, where it was starting to rain. At this point, I decided to go try to find Brad and Dayna.

    After a while of talking to them through Dayna's window, I finally just got in the car with them. Turns out, Ed, even though they had his ticket, didn't even show up. What a douche. And Chuck was having problems of his own: He hadn't even left Ohio yet! After a while of hanging out in the car, they came up with the genius idea of stuffing the tickets in a gatorade bottle and leaving them under Dayna's car for Chuck to find. I was worried it wouldn't work, but they managed to get there before the gates opened, so it all worked out. On the way up, the three of us stopped at my van real quick, then headed up. Incredibly, we assembled our entire crew before the gates even opened.

    When we finally got in, after some shopping and screwing around, the majority of us went over to wait in line for the Machine Head signing. Straight Line Stitch was playing, but nobody was paying attention until Jamey Jasta came out and joined them for the song Taste Of Ashes. That was the only part I cared about. After downing lots of free slurpees and rockstar, Red Fang started playing, but I didn't care about watching them either. The signing finally started, and I got my ticket and program signed by Machine Head and my picture taken with Rob Flynn.

    After this, I went to go get a spot for Kingdom of Sorrow. Brando was right behind me on this one, and this is where we used our VIP passes: To get in between the barrier and the stage. Kingdom of Sorrow performed great, and they were the first band I actually watched that day. We actually saw Kirk Windstein walking to the stage and he gave us the horns when he saw us. KOS performed great, and sounded good, and the highlight of the show was when Jamey threw his Jagermeister wristband in my direction and I caught it. Had I been a fraction of a second slower, it would have gone to the guy next to me.

    After this was SUPPOSED to be the meetup, so we went to the top of the hill during Suicide Silence. Unfortunately, hardly anyone showed up. So after regrouping, the plan was to meet back up after Hatebreed. After a lot of chilling out at the hill, the people left with me all headed down to get ready for Hatebreed. As usual, Hatebreed absolutely fucking DESTROYED.

    They put on an incredible show, and the crowd was going CRAZY. I moshed a LOT more this year then I normally do, and I think that's why I was so exhausted afterwards. Usually at Mayhem I can mosh for like 5 bands and still be okay, but this year, I only watched Hatebreed while in the crowd, and after they were done playing, I felt like I had been moshing for 5 bands! I don't know why, it was just incredible. I even safety-pinned my pockets down so my stuff wouldn't fall out while I crowdsurfed, and the fun part was doing a backflip while surfing. I was moshing like a maniac. The crowd was a fucking sauna; you should have seen the steam coming off of it. Again, Hatebreed was incredible, and definitely get a 10 out of 10.

    Running to the top of the hill, we all met back up and took the big group picture (Minus Drew and his girl because nobody could find them) so we all headed toward the bottom of the hill to watch Machine Head. This was also where I met Elliot for the first time. He was hanging around earlier that day, and I didn't even realize who he was! But neither did Dayna so it's all right.

    Anyway, Machine Head actually played the first year on the side stage but I didn't watch them because I didn't know them, and then when I did listen to them after I got home I felt so stupid for not watching them. I was really stoked to see them on the side stage, but since In Flames dropped off the bill, MH had to take over for them. They did perform well, and they sounded good, but I would much rather have seen them on a side stage. It was great when they played Halo. Rob Flynn really is a badass dude, he kept giving props to some older gentlemen in the crowd right in front of them. Also, I love how Brad nods his head from side to side instead of headbanging or pumping his fists.

    8/10 I need to see them someplace smaller.

    After this, Brad and Dayna took off. Mikey and I discussed music while waiting for Megadeth, and then Megadeth came out. I have to say, I was honestly not feeling Megadeth very well at all. Megadave could barely be heard over the guitars, and eventually I just got kind of bored with them. The guitars sounded good, but when Megadave talked between every two songs, he didn't even sound like he was excited to be there! He would be talking in a calm, almost bored voice like, "Oh yeah, it's great to be here. You guys are great." instead of "HOW'S IT GOING DEEEEE-TROIT?!?" So, I was honestly a bit disappointed with them, but at least I can say I saw them. After this, Mikey and M2 left.


    At this point, I had to grab some things from my mom because she was heading out early before Godsmack. On my way there, I was saw one of the big dudes I was moshing with from Hatebreed.

    He was like, "Hey, how's Eternity?" I stopped dead in my tracks, completely caught off guard.

    "Uh, what?"

    "How's Eternity?"

    "How did you know I'm dating her?"

    Then the lady he was with was like, "She's my daughter, dude!" And then I felt really stupid, I didn't recognize her Mom. The guy was cool and I talked with them for a little bit before continuing on my way.

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    After complications, I made it to the pavillion with Josh just in time to catch Godsmack.

    I've been a fan of Godsmack for a very long time, so I was really excited to see them. They performed GREAT.

    Godsmack really blew away the stage. They didn't play a few songs, but they did play my favorite Godsmack song "The Enemy", and the highlight was defintely when they played "Voodoo" and Sully even lowered the Mic stand into the people sitting up front, where he let a guy take the mic and sing a few verses of Voodoo. The guitars and the voices were balanced great. The second highlight of the show was the drum duel between Sully and Shannon, which turned into a series of covers, including Back In Black and Tom Sawyer. Godsmack was great, but I was so exhausted I could barely jump or rock or whatever, but I still enjoyed myself very much.


    After grabbing some lemonade and kicking back, Disturbed came on. Their stage setup reminded me a lot of Rob Zombie last year: Lots of video screens showing all kinds of different things. I definitely got excited when they played their songs off "The Sickness" and I also loved hearing "10,000 Fists" which they didn't play last time I saw them. I didn't even pump my fists during their new songs. Speaking of fist pumping, it got really annoying after a while because David, every other song, would yell "Pump your fists" or "Put your fists in the air" or "Let me see those fists!" or "Let me see those devil horns!" IT GOT SO FUCKING ANNOYING.

    And it really, REALLY pissed me off, because I got excited when they played a couple songs off The Sickness, they didn't even play the whole thing! They took a bunch of songs and mashed them together into a 5 minute medley! The started off with Fear, which led into Meaning of life. I was so mad when they cut Meaning Of Life early, because it's one of my favorite Disturbed songs, and that led into Numb, and that led into Voices, all incomplete. The good thing about their set is that you could hear them crystal clear. I could distinguish all the instruments from each other, and nothing overpowered anything. It sounded good.


    Overall, the lineup wasn't as good as previous years, but the experience was still a fucking bla

    st, and I can't wait for next year again. Counting down the days.

    Ed, you missed out.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Next comes the photo dump
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Brad and Dayna, you two are legendary. :D
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
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