One night at a party at my place in college I got drunk out of my mind and went crazy (that's what vodka does to me and I no longer drink it). I was only 20 at the time and my brother and I ended up getting into a fight. Well for whatever reason I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and tried to stab him. Some people called the cops. Had the cops not been as cool as they were about "brothers being brothers" and being cool about understanding how college kids can be, I could of gone to jail for a longgggggg time. I blacked out. The only way I found out what had happend was my brother and my friends telling me about it. Blacking out is fucking scary.
when i was 19 i had a few friends over and my buddy randy brought this kid i ddint know over, and he got into a fight with someone, and i broke it up and threw them out, there were cops outside and the kid punched a cop, and every cop in the fucking county was at my apartment, and instead of giving me just an mip like everyone else, i fucking got charged with giving minors a roof to drink under, 2000 dollar fine, and i lost my apartment, i was so fucking pissed
damn that fucking sucks dude. On Halloween this year (Halloween at madison is a big fucking deal) my friend was drunk and pushed a cop. I spent the whole fucking night talking to cops (i was also drunk) trying to figure out where they took my friend so i could find out what happened to him. It turns out the county jail didn't have enough room so they started keeping everyone who got arrested in city buses.
No alcohol: casual drinker
No sex: fuck that
I'm 1 1/2 X's
its because these kids don't know real punk music
hes a smart one