... Did you actually read what I just said? I'm not putting down Hardcore and I'm not saying it didn't have any influence and Sludge bands or Stoner bands, I'm just saying I prefer Sludge and Stoner over Hardcore.
That's fine homie, idgaf what you or anyone else listens to. Whatever floats your boat. Just in your original post you said sludge was greater than hardcore and I believe that not to be true for the reasons I gave you. Sludge is great, I love the genre, but it hardcore influence all over it. Like I said, it hardcore but slower and more groovy. They're both great genres 2 of my favoirite. I just wantes to point out soime facts, that's all.
If you're talking about eyehategod, they're a sludge band, borderline hardcorepunk also.
And yooz can prefer any genre you want, I don't care, I'm just saying hardcore and punk are the reason that genre exists and people like kirk windstead, jimmie bower, and phil anselmo have stated that before.
Each band is different, there's some sludge, doom bands that I lioke more than some hardcore bands. I am just stating that the genre that helped create sludge shouldn't be overlooked.
ive always wanted to try it. =/
And yooz can prefer any genre you want, I don't care, I'm just saying hardcore and punk are the reason that genre exists and people like kirk windstead, jimmie bower, and phil anselmo have stated that before.
Each band is different, there's some sludge, doom bands that I lioke more than some hardcore bands. I am just stating that the genre that helped create sludge shouldn't be overlooked.
Times of Grace
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Onslaught 2
Onslaught 3
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Buckethead 1
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Buckethead 1