not me bro but I will tell you though every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck I roll my window down and spit at it EVERY TIME true story
not me bro but I will tell you though every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck I roll my window down and spit at it EVERY TIME true story
Are you sure you're not underneath 95 giving a blowjob and spitting out cum? It would be hard to hit the stadium going 70 on the freeway.
not me bro but I will tell you though every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck I roll my window down and spit at it EVERY TIME true story
you mother fuckers make streets I can barely get my rig down One time I delivered to a garden center there FUCKING BARBED WIRE SURROUNDING THE PLACE wtf They sell flowers and soil Gotta lock up the dirt like that? WTF KIND OF PLACE IS THAT YOU LIVE IN?
not me bro but I will tell you though every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck I roll my window down and spit at it EVERY TIME true story
you mother fuckers make streets I can barely get my rig down One time I delivered to a garden center there FUCKING BARBED WIRE SURROUNDING THE PLACE wtf They sell flowers and soil Gotta lock up the dirt like that? WTF KIND OF PLACE IS THAT YOU LIVE IN?
Don't act like ny is any better faggot. I go there all the time. Cities are both shitholes, yours just have more assholes then mine.
not me bro but I will tell you though every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck I roll my window down and spit at it EVERY TIME true story
you mother fuckers make streets I can barely get my rig down One time I delivered to a garden center there FUCKING BARBED WIRE SURROUNDING THE PLACE wtf They sell flowers and soil Gotta lock up the dirt like that? WTF KIND OF PLACE IS THAT YOU LIVE IN?
Don't act like ny is any better faggot. I go there all the time. Cities are both shitholes, yours just have more assholes then mine.
I'm in the burbs bro nice residential street just had house appraised at 235,000 dolla holla can I get a what what?
a myth if you will
but ya never know
but I will tell you though
every time I drive up 95 and your shithole stadium is on my side of the truck
I roll my window down and spit at it
true story
One time I delivered to a garden center there
They sell flowers and soil
Gotta lock up the dirt like that?
nice residential street
just had house appraised at 235,000 dolla holla
can I get a what what?