I want to buy Primal a Vick jersey and a photo of me in my Mccoy jersey giving the finger for his fridge, Marc a Desean Jackson jersey and some dallas cowboys tissues, and ape a ticket out of that cincinatti shithole. and Leah one of those big ass Incredible Hulk fists so she can punch Marc right in the face with it!
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But I would also make the reality tv special happen. Dunno who all would be on it though. Off the top of my head I guess Jaycup, Ed, Marc, Sara, Alex, Bianca, Katia, Myself, Nick, and Mike. I would add in Erik but he's 15 so nope. I would have this shit in Mexico, mainly because the ones under 21 can drink legally.
360 days to go! lol
I'd like to get George some tampons to stop the bleeding with after the Eagirls fail in the playoffs...Again. Oh and as a stocking stuffer I'd like to get him a Dallas Cowboys history DVD so he can see how a real franchise wins championships.
Merry Christmas buddy!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I want to buy dayna one of those octapuses she can throw on the ice at a wings game, and tickets to NIN!
I want to buy Leah a ticket to catz house to smack him for all the innapropriate sexual advances toward you. and a lifetime supply of cupcakes(poisoned or unpoisoned)!
and I want to buy you both and any other girl on here a plane ticket to Chicago to.......
whooop Erik's ass for calling yooz all whores, sluts, broads, ect. he's got it coming.
and tampons to wipe away tears? no sir..I would need pads for that. At least get that shit right. Fuck!
i want to buy primal fucking big 4 tickets for us so we can hang out and not talk about the eagles cowgirls for once. even though the cowgils have been out of the conversation since week 3, lol.