I really don't know. What worries me is my mom gets headaches so its possible she passed it onto me. Except she wakes up with a horrible migraine everyday and her headaches hardly ever completely go away. She's diagnosed is Multiple Sclerosis, but I think it could be a miss diagnoses. Mainly because nothing she's taken has helped her a whole lot. It'll temporarily ease pain but it always comes back in a few hours or so. Because of this its hard for her to do much or go anywhere. When she does go somewhere she has to push herself and it'll take her about 6 hours to get ready. I have a feeling it has something to do with her spine because she has a few discs that are fucked and could be pinching a nerve, giving her constant headaches. The reason I think this is because if she bends over to get something or looks down for a few minutes, a whitish liquid comes out of her nose that looks exactly like spinal fluid. Which is not good at all. We don't have a lot of money and her Medicare doesn't cover much so she doesn't have a lot of options on getting things fixed. Right now she's trying to figure out how to come up with 2000 bucks to get some of her teeth fixed, because that's causing her extra pain. If she's passed it to me I have no fucking clue what I have or how to fix it. I could go to the ER but lord only knows what theyll tell me.
"Symptoms of cerebrospinal fluid leaks include an orthostatic headache in which the pain is worse when the patient is vertical and less severe when horizontal, severe dizziness and vertigo, facial numbness or weakness, double vision, a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting. Leaking CSF can sometimes be observed as discharge through the nose or ear. Orthostatic headaches can be incapacitating and disabling; these symptoms can be sufficiently disabling to make those afflicted unable to work."
The reason I said it was whitish was because she purposely bent her head over and let some drip in a small bottle. There was a bit in it and it was a while ago so my memory is fuzzy. She planned on taking it to a doctor to get tested but that has yet to happen and its hard to tell doctors something. A lot like to not listen
Spinal fluid is actually clear.
Sounds like what she has
I only stated that spinal fluid was clear.
I just said one little thing.
How you doin?