Leah why aren't you hanging out with marc? Speaking of which how are things going.
Noga, sup?
I was earlier when Erik was being a little creep. Was getting a headache, fell asleep on the couch, woke up not long after only to find out it turned into a migraine. Fuckin shit was so bad that going to the ER crossed my mind. Instead I took some pills Marc gave me and tried to fall asleep best I could. I almost fucking cried and threw up it was so bad. I still kinda have a headache but can't fall asleep to get rid of the rest of it so I have to watch what I do and relax a bit.
Other then that, things are going good besides my occasional depression and other emotional bs swings.
Noga, sup?
Other then that, things are going good besides my occasional depression and other emotional bs swings.