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Robb Flynn's list for 'best albums i've been rockin in 2010

Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
edited December 2010 in Off Topic

Top ten albums I rocked in 2010 (not necessarily released in 2010):

1. Deftones, Diamond Eyes – From the first time I heard the song “Diamond Eyes” I was floored. Deftones managed to do what is the most exhilarating, and yet most difficult, thing for any band to do: keep the foundation of your sound, but infuse it with something modern or fresh. In their case, this was accomplished with guitarist Stephan Carpenter’s introduction of an 8 string guitar, and some serious Meshuggah-worshipping riffs. Chino fully explores his range and harmonizing skills, Frank Delgado’s keyboards/DJ-ing add some incredible mind-bending depth and ambiance, while drummer Abe Cunningham and new bassist Sergio Vega’s poly-rhythmic foundation somehow glues it all together. That the band was able to pull it from the depths of such a horrible situation is an even greater testament to how good this band truly is. Crushingly heavy, beautiful, passionate, and real, Diamond Eyes is my album of the year. Check out “Diamond Eyes.”

2. Eminem, Recovery – The venom and anger are back, and he got rid of the weird ragamuffin flow from Relapse. He also thankfully changed the musical landscape of hip-hop by introducing a different level of production with stoner guitar jams, sampling Sabbath and New Wave, and adding classic rock elements. Most importantly, he’s pissed again. Check out “Almost Famous.”

3. Protest The Hero, Fortress – This band literally saved me this year. So fresh, different, heavy, beautiful, challenging, weird, musical, talented. Inspired beyond belief by them. Check out “Bloodmeat.”

4. Flyleaf, Flyleaf & Memento Mori – My personal views are pretty much the polar opposite of what this band stands for, and yet, Lacey’s voice absolutely mesmerizes me, it hypnotizes me. The guitar melodies, the Robert Smith-guitar tones… wow. Saw them live for the first time this year and had a non-religeous-religious experience. Check out “Circle” and “So I Thought.”

5. Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare – I’ve hated everything this band has done post-Waking the Fallen, but this album floored me. Heavy, melodic, huge. A band going for it, doing their own thing, and getting massive results. Every one of these dudes is extremely talented. They should probably being paying Metallica and GN’ R royalties, but who cares when it’s done this good, and they’re are turning a whole new generation onto the originators of metal? Thank you A7X for finally getting us a legit metal record in at number one instead of some country bullshit, Justin Bieber, or lame rap record. Check out “Nightmare.”

6. Karnivool, Sound Awake – Music Choice’s metal station played this a lot ,and I have it on for background noise when I put my son down for a nap. Really impressive band, great sense of melody, progressive, and the fact that the singer can sing almost entirely clean yet still sound heavy is a testament to how good this band can become. Check out “Set Fire to the Hive.”

7. Shinedown, The Sound Of Madness – Waaaay late to the Shinedown party, but the best straight-up-rock record of the last five years. Check out “Cyanide Sweet Tooth Suicide.”

8. Jay Z, The Blueprint 3 – As a long time hip-hop head who’s somewhat disillusioned with how bad rap has gotten lately, I still always check out a new Hov record. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s lame, but in this case he has delivered maybe his best album since The Blueprint ten years ago. Pissed, cocky, ballsy, reflective… dude’s flow is incredible. He’s doing something that was nearly impossible before in hip-hop… growing up gracefully, and getting better with age. Check out “On to the Next One.”

9. Sevendust, Cold Day Memory – I can’t say I really ever got the whole Sevendust thing. Great dudes, talented players, but it never clicked for me. This record, I finally got it. Insane vocal harmonies, great metallic/melodic rock riffs, tasteful keyboard parts, interesting structures. Kudos to the 24/7 dust. Check out “Karma.”

10. Exodus, Exhibit B: The Human Condition — I feel incredibly blessed to have grown up as a teenager in the golden era of Bay Area thrash, and to have been able to witness that scene. For a good three years, Exodus were the only band that mattered to me, I was obsessed with them. It is amazing and inspiring that they have been able to persevere on through years of bad luck to nail down a stable line-up, and find the gem that is Rob Dukes as a singer. He has the skills of Zetro, but has that “Whoa-that-dude-has-problems” persona of of former singer Paul Baloff that I so gravitate towards in music. I other words, he’s pissed. If the song “Burn Hollywood Burn” doesn’t make you want to stab posers in the arm with a fork, there’s is something wrong with you. Check out “Burn Hollywood Burn.”


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