It's the best era for talent and skill. Period. training had evolved so much.
striking techinuques footwork grappling movement defense
its all better now than ever. Fight are actually entertaining to watch when they are on the ground now. Outside of Eddie Alvarez it's rare to see a fight where a guy just lays on top of someone.
The fights are so much less sloppy from the top to the bottom of the roster it's crazy.
The he talent and skill level is through the top now because we are just starting to get to see guys coming up who have been training for MMA their entire life, instead of just one diciplin.
>Better than ever >More fighters pulling out of fights >Events being cancelled or turned free because they can't get butts in the seats >unnecessary match ups and title rematches
But rex still thinks it's the best era
No tournaments Shit judges Roids busts Rankings are shit The Reebok fiasco Constant cancelled/rescheduling of fights Stale production Few new stars Weak cards Overhyped fights Treatment of guys like Burt and Stitch.
And one is probably on ppv, one on fight pass, one on at 6am live from China lol. All sandwiched between 9 cards and 20 other fights nobody gives a shit about.
Also fight pass was without a doubt launched prematurely. A year ago it wasn't worth it, but the amour of content it has now is really good and it's growing.
striking techinuques
its all better now than ever. Fight are actually entertaining to watch when they are on the ground now. Outside of Eddie Alvarez it's rare to see a fight where a guy just lays on top of someone.
The fights are so much less sloppy from the top to the bottom of the roster it's crazy.
The he talent and skill level is through the top now because we are just starting to get to see guys coming up who have been training for MMA their entire life, instead of just one diciplin.
The sport isnt that old. I love seeing it evolve.
ortega Tavares
ferguson barbosa
mcgregor sleeping people
jones coming back beast mode
fuck out of here
Eye pokes aren't my jam.
mcgregor v Diaz
holms boxing skill on display
ferguson against who ever
John jones v rumble
all things we have to look forward too in the next six months as well
quote from embedded " if bisbing talks shit, he's fucked, I'll beat his ass "
thats shpuld be be your plan anyways but
Having the EBI's on it is fucking awesome.