I think I'm taking barboza and cejudo for my upsets for this parlay. I don't know if cejudo will win but it's the only way to make any real money off 30-40 dollars for this card. He does always seem to rise to the occasion so we will see.
You've been on the UFC company dick so hard lately that one might think you were drawing a paycheck from them. This Conner situation must have you feeling like a kid whose parents are getting divorced and you're stuck in the middle.
I haven't been on the company dick. I have been supportive of the matchmaking. Honestly don't care because this isn't much different Thant the nick Diaz situation a few years back.
his desire is to be the best fighter. To do that he does have to get back to training and what got him to where he's at. Maybe if Ronda had taken this same stance she wouldn't have gotten head kicked into oblivion.
He's 100% correct too. Why should he have to go to Vegas in the middle of camp? He's done more PR than any fighter to date and his retirement tweet got 30k more retweets than any sports story last year, which was Kobe announcing his retirement. That tweet alone garnered more pub than any thing he was going to do this weekend lol.
nah it was move he made to show the ufc how much pub he truly can garner. His statement this morning already has 140K shares on Facebook and close to 50K retweets. A good portion of the fighters and MMA media are also siding with conor. Hes handled this perfectly even if he doesn't get to fight at 200.
And a lot of others smell bullshit. Some think he is pulling out of the fight because he made a heat of the moment decision to get that win back and he's figured out how fucked he is if he loses again. Others think it's a ploy to get out of getting piss tested. Others think it's to end up fighting in the Garden.
Nobody will know anything for sure until it's made official by the drug testing commission. Both Conner and the UFC exist to hype shit up for money. Even stopping the title won't prove anything for certain. A lot of people say he's not likely to go back down to fw. Some people say my love cannot be true. Some people also think the Earth is flat.
An official retirement will have legal obligations and implications for him though. If he "unretires" after making it official (which also excludes him from drug testing) he has to wait 4 months before he can fight again.
Well considering he hasn't retired, and still wants to fight at 200 i highly doubt its a drug testing thing. Conor is ahead of the game but he has been tested thoroughly over the last year and can still be tested at any time. Just doesn't add up. This is just dana trying to prove he has a bigger dick than conor.
lol kill yourself. you probably couldn't even name a lot of fighters in the top ten of most the divisions. I watch fights from all different organizations all over the world not just limited to MMA. Fuck i even watch BJJ tournaments when i can find them. you can stay paper doe.
i only just recently even watched the finale for that. Iv been a fan since pretty much the beginning. Like i said before me and my dad would watch the tournaments for free on our cable box with the chip in it.
I always liked it but over the last couple years i have gotten into it pretty hardcore. the evolution of the sport fascinates me. I record and watch a lot of the WSOF and bellator stuff as well. I watch most of the smaller events they have on fight pass. Ill be watching EBI on sunday.
You think you can fool us into thinking you are a fan because there was one picture of you hitting pads? lol
I've been training since I was 16. Currently training with Myles Jury and Big Don. Team fights this Saturday. I'll be in attendance. Continue only watching UFC doe and believing everything Dana says. Shit I remember when you were sucking boxing's dick and I was the only one defending mma. You don't fool anyone. You saying you love all things mma is like you saying you have hair. We all know it's a lie.
You've been on the UFC company dick so hard lately that one might think you were drawing a paycheck from them. This Conner situation must have you feeling like a kid whose parents are getting divorced and you're stuck in the middle.
his desire is to be the best fighter. To do that he does have to get back to training and what got him to where he's at. Maybe if Ronda had taken this same stance she wouldn't have gotten head kicked into oblivion.
I don't follow UFC for shit so after he said he retired, and Dana retaliated by pulling him from 200 I lost my shit laughing because it sounded like
Nobody will know anything for sure until it's made official by the drug testing commission. Both Conner and the UFC exist to hype shit up for money. Even stopping the title won't prove anything for certain. A lot of people say he's not likely to go back down to fw. Some people say my love cannot be true. Some people also think the Earth is flat.
An official retirement will have legal obligations and implications for him though. If he "unretires" after making it official (which also excludes him from drug testing) he has to wait 4 months before he can fight again.
>only thing could post was about Anderson Silva
i only just recently even watched the finale for that. Iv been a fan since pretty much the beginning. Like i said before me and my dad would watch the tournaments for free on our cable box with the chip in it.
I always liked it but over the last couple years i have gotten into it pretty hardcore. the evolution of the sport fascinates me. I record and watch a lot of the WSOF and bellator stuff as well. I watch most of the smaller events they have on fight pass. Ill be watching EBI on sunday.
You think you can fool us into thinking you are a fan because there was one picture of you hitting pads? lol