Marc had a dream that I was preggers...and he gave one of those "im not ok with this..ew..troll...get rid of it" faces. I guess after that I said "fine, don't be happy". Don't know what happened after that.
All this because I said my stomach and head hurt this morning...
I had a dream that some guy was on a plane with me and I was Macauly Culkin from home alone, and he was gonna kill me but decided not to. and we went to this rap battle in my old hometown, where I became me again, and my mom made me walk an hour to get my grandma, and I didnt wanna go so I just came back halfway and the rap battle was over and I was pissed because I didnt get to compete.
Me and a bunch of kids from the high school (Including my best bro Kurt, and Jamie made an appearance lol.) absolutely destroyed a store. Looked like a combination of a Kohl's and Toys 'R Us.
Ripped clothes apart, broke the windows, made jetpacks out of the fire extinguishers, flew up to the ceiling, hanging off the ceiling. Smashed PS3s and 360s open. And we threw a bunch of Furbys and Gremlins around lolz.
I've always wanted to go in a store and just annihilate it.
The closest Ive gotten so far is on black friday when the sales started at walmart at like midnight, after we dropped all our stuff with my friends mom at the checkout, we ran through the whole store just randomly knocking shit off the shelves. It was AWESOME.
Pretty much killed my ex's Brother by beating the living shit out of him, then proceeding to stomp on his head, while that cunt just stood there crying her eyes out, and I said "How does it feel?".
I had a dream last night that me and my friend went to Mayhem, but there were no bands playing...and just as it was time to go to the main stage, I woke up.
Anyway, I HOPE hookah doesnt kill me.
All this because I said my stomach and head hurt this morning...
Me and a bunch of kids from the high school (Including my best bro Kurt, and Jamie made an appearance lol.) absolutely destroyed a store. Looked like a combination of a Kohl's and Toys 'R Us.
Ripped clothes apart, broke the windows, made jetpacks out of the fire extinguishers, flew up to the ceiling, hanging off the ceiling. Smashed PS3s and 360s open. And we threw a bunch of Furbys and Gremlins around lolz.
Dreams ist krieg.
The closest Ive gotten so far is on black friday when the sales started at walmart at like midnight, after we dropped all our stuff with my friends mom at the checkout, we ran through the whole store just randomly knocking shit off the shelves. It was AWESOME.
Pretty much killed my ex's Brother by beating the living shit out of him, then proceeding to stomp on his head, while that cunt just stood there crying her eyes out, and I said "How does it feel?".
I woke up like this: