Perturbator is probably my favorite. Heaviest synth in the game.
I prefer the lighter, I guess "dreamwave" side of things. But Pertubator is dope. Carpenter Brut as well I think you recommended them both to me in the past.
I got a MIDI keyboard for Christmas. Once I get Protools working on my comp again, I'm going to look into making some of my own electro music, mainly 80s retro sounding stuff.
Went on a binge and bought the new release and the Payday remix singles from Simon Viklund, VHS Glitch's entire discog, and Perturbator's debut and latest album on Bandcamp.
MetalSucks shared this yesterday in their Synthwave Sunday segment. Its not entirely electronic, but its super retro. Reminds me of the music from the first TMNT movie.
MetalSucks shared this yesterday in their Synthwave Sunday segment. Its not entirely electronic, but its super retro. Reminds me of the music from the first TMNT movie.
out of curiosity, why is it so many metal people and publications are fucking with synthwave? Nothing against it, I just think it's weird there's so much crossover
Dat OG
Trevor Something
Mitch Murder
VHS Glitch
Mega Drive
Album could be an 80s movie soundtrack. Dude is an absolute beast.