Yeah I'll take anything over an arena. Think the only ones I've seen in an arena are two Maiden shows, the first leg of Sabbath farewell, Tool and The Cure. It takes alot to make me shell out for an arena.
This annoying girl I work with absolutely refused to believe that concert tickets can be cheaper than 25 dollars. She is one of those Red Rocks concert crowd types that only goes to the big artists or festivals and shells out 100 bucks minimum.
She asked me if i was going to NIN at Red Rocks and i said no i can go to 4 to 5 concerts this summer for that price and she told me no i couldnt
This annoying girl I work with absolutely refused to believe that concert tickets can be cheaper than 25 dollars. She is one of those Red Rocks concert crowd types that only goes to the big artists or festivals and shells out 100 bucks minimum.
She asked me if i was going to NIN at Red Rocks and i said no i can go to 4 to 5 concerts this summer for that price and she told me no i couldnt
The most I've ever shelled out was for Tool in 2009. It was $83 a ticket after service fees. I had a girlfriend pay $110 apiece for Fiona Apple tickets in 2006. I'm just not usually that interested in expensive shows like that. Primus was $62 a ticket after fees and it hurt to hit "complete order" on that one
This annoying girl I work with absolutely refused to believe that concert tickets can be cheaper than 25 dollars. She is one of those Red Rocks concert crowd types that only goes to the big artists or festivals and shells out 100 bucks minimum.
She asked me if i was going to NIN at Red Rocks and i said no i can go to 4 to 5 concerts this summer for that price and she told me no i couldnt
The most I've ever shelled out was for Tool in 2009. It was $83 a ticket after service fees. I had a girlfriend pay $110 apiece for Fiona Apple tickets in 2006. I'm just not usually that interested in expensive shows like that. Primus was $62 a ticket after fees and it hurt to hit "complete order" on that one
Have you ever done anything like MDF/Psycho/Southwest? Unless you're only counting individual shows.
I went to the Scion fest when it was here, but it was free. When I was a teenager, I used to go to a lot of Ozzfest/Warped/Lollapalooza/Smokin Grooves/HORDE/radio fests. They used to have a pretty sweet version of Music Midtown in Atlanta. But I can't think of anything I've been to otherwise in about 15 years
As much as I love MDF, the ones I really feel like I missed out on were the mid-90's Milwaukee Metalfests. '94-'97 specifically were absolutely incredible
She asked me if i was going to NIN at Red Rocks and i said no i can go to 4 to 5 concerts this summer for that price and she told me no i couldnt