Is your neck getting bigger? Lay off suckin' the peen for a while eh? And someone is trying to look like a "badass" in front of their chick lol
-_- Fuck you. And trying to look badass.....?
Because I get into it and hit hard?
Erik I like you but...DONT FUCKING SAY CAUSE YOU WERE INTO IT AND HIT HARD. You look like fucking Plank and bored as fuck when you play. My grandma hits pans harder than you foo. Good job though. OH! and she meant that about the face expression. Looks like you need to take a big poo poo-Marc
Fuck you.
And trying to look badass.....?
Because I get into it and hit hard?
I was slamming the cymbals like a motherfucker.
Fucking A, just drop it already.