some people like 8 different teams and try to deny being a bandwagon fan. i can see where youre coming from, its not like youre living in cincy rooting for awful team in texas. i like the eagles, only the eagles, i could never spend a dime on any other teams material, i dont like any other team, and i'll never root for any other team. i may pull for teams to win, like last year i wanted the saints to win the SB, but i didn't truly give a fuck eitherway. i'm ride or die eagles, nothing else.
:-q i hate the cowboys, but the same goes for you as it does primal, at least you guys stick by your cowboys even through a shitty year, yooz aint running around jumping on other teams bandwagons. i can respect people who stay tru to their team.
I don't buy any packers jerseys or anything just had the favre one my parents got me when I was little. It is a dream of mine though to go to lambeau and see bengals at packers
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
fuck the steelers and their 7th ring, the only 7th thing the steelers are gonna get is big ben's 7th rape charge.
motherfukkerz y00z from PEN y00z shud at least respect teh Steel!!!
fuck shittsburgh, its far as hell from me. i bet you dont get all fired up for the pirates, i never see any of yooz diehard pitt fans in the pirates seats. pitt is full of pozers
I don't buy any packers jerseys or anything just had the favre one my parents got me when I was little. It is a dream of mine though to go to lambeau and see bengals at packers
i never lived in philly. i was born in vermont, my parents lived up there for a while but wanted to relocate and all their family was from jersey so, moved to jersey when i was a few months old. i grew up in camden county, nj (about a 10 minute drive from philadelphia) my whole life until a year ago i moved to trenton my gf got a job up here. now i'm about a 30min drive from philly.
:-q i hate the cowboys, but the same goes for you as it does primal, at least you guys stick by your cowboys even through a shitty year, yooz aint running around jumping on other teams bandwagons. i can respect people who stay tru to their team.
When my team doesn't do well I watch something else, when they do well I will sit every week and watch them.
Also I would be very excited if the packers won the superbowl however it would not get the same reaction as a bengals super bowl would or even last year when jay Bruce hit the walk off home run to clinch the division and send them to the playoffs. I ran around work fucking screaming with happiness it almost even made me tear up I was so happy lol
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i hate the cowboys, but the same goes for you as it does primal, at least you guys stick by your cowboys even through a shitty year, yooz aint running around jumping on other teams bandwagons. i can respect people who stay tru to their team.
I don't buy any packers jerseys or anything just had the favre one my parents got me when I was little. It is a dream of mine though to go to lambeau and see bengals at packers
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)