I've explained it many times, and I'm not doing it again. Call me fairweather, bandwagon fan or whatever else you want to make your team feel better. My fucks given are at an all time low.
no... Mad is not a feeling I have over the Seahawks/Falcon game. A more accurate word would be devastated or emotionally drained. That was an awful way to lose. It would have been better if the Seahawks had not scored that go-ahead TD. That I could take better... "Well they just dug them into too deep of a hole in the first half to climb their way out". Saying that would have sucked but not sucked as bad as the way it went down. Just a crappy way to lose.
Oh- did you see the Falcons post game locker room? No heart. No one looked excited to be there. I'll be glad when they are eliminated next week.
I don't know why it so much better for the Seahawks to play the 9ers. The Seahawks were beaten fair and square. I'm surprised to see people still doubt the Falcons. I can't wait til we have the championship won so I don't have to deal with this hater garbage
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I didnt say they werent beaten fairly... And had the refs made a game changing call that cost them such a big game (like the 2001 AFC divisional playoff game between NE-OAK, or the Super Bowl XL between Sea-Pitts), then I would have never let it go. Just like I will never let go that the Steelers did not win that Super Bowl. FUCK PITTSBURGH
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Why it's better? Atlanta is boring. Most people in Georgia don't even like watching Falcon games. SF is going to kill Atlanta... It aint gonna be pretty.
And why would a Sea-SF NFC championship game had been good? Cause SF looked awesome last game, and Seattle embarrassed them week 16. A rematch with the Superbowl on the line would have been amazing.
Oh- did you see the Falcons post game locker room? No heart. No one looked excited to be there. I'll be glad when they are eliminated next week.
And why would a Sea-SF NFC championship game had been good? Cause SF looked awesome last game, and Seattle embarrassed them week 16. A rematch with the Superbowl on the line would have been amazing.
> Falcons beat the Seahawks
> 9ers are gonna kill the Falcons?
> wat?