Oo and fuck all this stupid tragedy and feel good story shit someone drove drunk and someone got In the car with a drunk driver. Its not a tragedy if its a stupid decision on your own part.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Both with the chiefs and cowboys people did it to themselves im tired of hearing about it. They spent half of inside the nfl on the chiefs story talking about it was a great tragedy no its not that retard murdered his wife and orphaned his kid
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
as far as the lions go...this season is over as far as hope for the playoffs but i still view these next 4 games as huge for this team...3 of them are against playoff contenders...this team has a chance to grow them selves over the next 4 weeks... hopefully in a positive way
Both with the chiefs and cowboys people did it to themselves im tired of hearing about it. They spent half of inside the nfl on the chiefs story talking about it was a great tragedy no its not that retard murdered his wife and orphaned his kid
the fact that he left his kid behind isn't tragic to you? its not tragic to you that his mindset got to such a bad place that he killed his wife and himself? it was all pretty tragic if you ask me
Nah im good im really nice to people around me don't have any issues I just don't think someone murdering others is tragic they talk about the players not the baby he left behind that is sad but I don't give a fuck about these dumbass players being fucking stupid. You don't have to justify everything sometimes people are just bad people.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
wait for the smash
yeah...at least you already have the 8
as far as the lions go...this season is over as far as hope for the playoffs but i still view these next 4 games as huge for this team...3 of them are against playoff contenders...this team has a chance to grow them selves over the next 4 weeks... hopefully in a positive way
Now we need the Saints to go HAM on the Giants.