did anybody just hear the quote that they read on the half time show?
are kidding me? some guy blamed guns for the reason that that KC player and wife are dead. the last sentence of the quote was "If Jovan Belcher didn't own a gun him and his wife would still be alive today."
uhh, my guess is he probably woulda killed her some other way.
They said today belcher shot his girl 9 times in front of his mother. They said he struggled with pain killers, alcohol, and concussions. They had been fighting recently and she said she was leaving him and taking the baby.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Absolutely no top shelf talent, no scheme advantages. There's nothing to keep right now. Hire someone else, try again.
I think the Eagles should consider hiring Norv Turner...as an OC...He's one of the best developers of QB talent out there.