It's called rebuilding your team and getting better. >Plays two teams with winning records >Goes 1-1 against said teams >Thinks team is the best in the league
We needed to adjust. *See last week* I'm not going to make excuses like Rex. See you in week 17.
When we have the division wrapped up and won't take you seriously? Wheres my nigga Erik to STAND THE FUCK UP WITH ME. BELIEVE IN MONSTERS! Our D > Most Offenses in the leagues at scoring. DITKA DITKA. BEAR DOWN.
You're breaking up Ed.. I can't hear you from all the way at the bottom.. You're gonna have to STAND THE FUCK UP. BEARS NATION. SUPER BOWL BOUND. FUCK THE GIANTS. GARY is really GEORGE! MONSTERS OF THE MIDWAY ARE MAKING THEIR WAY THRU A CITY NEAR YOU.
Pic Releated:
>Plays two teams with winning records
>Goes 1-1 against said teams
>Thinks team is the best in the league
Pic related
I think 12-4 seems about as bad as it gets for them. Embarrassingly easy schedule all year.