Incredible. Show of the year for me. The only thing I see comming close it Enslavd/Alcest. Only gripe is that Giant Squid didn't play Neonate, which is arguably their best song.
I highly checking out all of the bands that were at the show. Giant Squid is a Progressive Sludge/Post-Metal band. They've got two albums out at the moment, and both have differences, mainly because the line up. On the first album, there's a fair amount of synths doing a lot of the melodies in the songs. On the second album they didn't have much synth, but they got a cellist, and that adds a really sick vibe. I would recommend checking out the songs, Neonate, Revolution in the Water, La Brea Tar Pits, Throwing A Donner Party At Sea, and Blue Linkcia(sp?).
Judgement Day is a string Metal band. They're instrumental and consist of a violinist, cellist, and drummer. I don't know them too well, but really enjoyed their set. I can't give you too many pointers on what to check out from them, but I'd say they're worth checking out.
Cormorant, I'm sure you've heard a lot about. Wine talks about them non-stop. They're sort of hard to put into one category, but if I had to put 'em somewhere, I'd say Progressive Black Metal. Their full length album, Metazoa, is aboslutley magnificent. I'd recommend checking out the tracks, Scavenger's Feast, Uneasy Lies The Head, and Hanging Gardens.
"Judgement Day is a string Metal band. They're instrumental and consist of a violinist, cellist, and drummer. I don't know them too well, but really enjoyed their set. I can't give you too many pointers on what to check out from them, but I'd say they're worth checking out. "
My friend Lena loves King Of The Hill but is very conservative christian and I asked what she thought about that and she said that was her favorite KOTH quote.
Judgement Day is a string Metal band. They're instrumental and consist of a violinist, cellist, and drummer. I don't know them too well, but really enjoyed their set. I can't give you too many pointers on what to check out from them, but I'd say they're worth checking out.
Cormorant, I'm sure you've heard a lot about. Wine talks about them non-stop. They're sort of hard to put into one category, but if I had to put 'em somewhere, I'd say Progressive Black Metal. Their full length album, Metazoa, is aboslutley magnificent. I'd recommend checking out the tracks, Scavenger's Feast, Uneasy Lies The Head, and Hanging Gardens.