1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
Back from Warped tour!!! -Met August Burns Red and Winds of Plague -Met Arlo for the first time too haha! -Enter Shikari, Winds of Plague and The Acacia Strain were the best bands that I saw
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2011
My guess is no. I only saw 5 songs and 4 of them were from Homesick and What Separates Me From You. It was still a great show and you will love Enter Shikari. Enter Shikari and August Burns Red overlapped for Dallas so I caught only the tail end of ABR
(Sorry if that sounded random. I remember you saying that you wanted to see them)
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
I waited in line for nearly an hour to meet them. From what I saw of ABR they were awesome but I believe Enter Shikari stole the show. The dubstep in their songs sounds amazing live and the crowd REALLY gets into them
Thanks guys. So proud of myself for sticking to it finally.
And what floats my boat is owning an entire family of "adults" and telling them how childish they all are and just seeing them shut the fuck up and admit I was right. B-)
Thanks guys. So proud of myself for sticking to it finally.
And what floats my boat is owning an entire family of "adults" and telling them how childish they all are and just seeing them shut the fuck up and admit I was right. B-)
Not gonna go into details, 'cause it's a 6 month story involving like 8-9 people, but it involved my Uncle's Wife's family, all her kids and shit, which became like our main family, however, I hate them now and can't fucking trust them, and a lot of the shit lately was Facebook drama, involving all of her kids, all 20 and up, going and crying to Mommy about shit that was said on Facebook instead of solving their own problems. So, we had a family meeting today, and I went expecting to have to fight, because last time, I was nose to nose with her second oldest son ready to beat the fuck out of him, and my Uncle pulled us apart. So anyways, the way it went tonight was. everyone had to say their problems with the family, one by one, with no interruptions from anyone else. They started with me, and I said "Alright, first of all, any of you yell at me or get in my face, I'm walking the fuck out of this house. I don't have much to say or have anything directed towards any individual, but all I can say, is this, as a whole, in general, is THEE most childish bullshit I've ever witnessed in my entire life. I'm 15, and I can say I'm more of an adult than any of you, I don't run to Mommy with all my problems, especially petty bullshit on the internet. You all need to grow up, I see highschool Facebook drama from people that actually ARE kids, and it doesn't even get this pathetic. I'm done now." they all shut the fuck up and just looked at me for a good minute in silence. And then proceeded to agree I was right, and at the the end of the conversation, everyone said "It's pretty sad, but a 15 year old spoke the most truth tonight, and laid down the law for all of us.".
Like a fucking boss. I'm done with them now, I said my peace, but they can't expect me to ever be over at that house again.
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
edited June 2011
You remember any setlists kyle
A Day To Remember (what I saw): -I'm Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made of? -The Danger in Starting a Fire -Sticks and Bricks -All I Want -2nd Sucks
Winds of Plague: (I might be missing a song) -Decimate the Weak -Angels of Debauchery -Drop the Match -California (really fun live to be honest) -Reloaded -The Impaler
The Acacia Strain: (I may be missing one just like WoP) -Beast -JFC -Ramirez -Angry Mob Justice -Whoa! Shut it Down -The Impaler
Enter Shikari: (Once again I may be missing one) -Mothership -Sorry, You're Not a Winner -Destabilise -Zzzonked -Quelle Surprise
-Met August Burns Red and Winds of Plague
-Met Arlo for the first time too haha!
-Enter Shikari, Winds of Plague and The Acacia Strain were the best bands that I saw
And I caught a pick from Set Your Goals!!! My first pick
(Sorry if that sounded random. I remember you saying that you wanted to see them)
And what floats my boat is owning an entire family of "adults" and telling them how childish they all are and just seeing them shut the fuck up and admit I was right. B-)
Like a fucking boss. I'm done with them now, I said my peace, but they can't expect me to ever be over at that house again.
I fucking love their strawberry lemonade (even if the last two times I got it it was like drinking sugar)
-I'm Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made of?
-The Danger in Starting a Fire
-Sticks and Bricks
-All I Want
-2nd Sucks
Winds of Plague: (I might be missing a song)
-Decimate the Weak
-Angels of Debauchery
-Drop the Match
-California (really fun live to be honest)
-The Impaler
The Acacia Strain: (I may be missing one just like WoP)
-Angry Mob Justice
-Whoa! Shut it Down
-The Impaler
Enter Shikari: (Once again I may be missing one)
-Sorry, You're Not a Winner
-Quelle Surprise