even better would be something like V8 with the fruit and tea something without empty calories and loads of sugar if you MUST have suger, sweeten things yourself with splenda or something
I've heard Splenda is 10x worse for you than sugar.
that basically cancels out the good in it, though do more cardio before you do the weight training cardio is what burns up fat, weight training is just toning up
The schedule I'm on as of right now that I'm going for, is:
Monday: Bike Tuesday: Weight Wednesday: Bike Thursday: Weight Friday: Bike Saturday: No exercise. Sunday: Bike.
So, the aerobics/cardio outnumber the weight training 4/2, but I still want to get some in weekly. Once I'm slimmer, I'll probably do more weight training.
do you have or know someone who has a pool? swimming is the best exercise
I can't swim... :l My next door neighbors have a huge one, and said I can come over whenever, but I can't swim.
either way, your schedule seems good as far as the ratio and taking a day off just make wure with the weight training, vary your weights and exercises because otherwise your body will get used to it and wont be as effective
Thanks brah. \m/ I figure it serves a double purpose as well, since the biking will really strengthen my legs, which will really help me with Drumming.
keep in mind that its basically a chemical but one package or half a package in some tea wont do anything
It says it contains 5% juice.
just make wure with the weight training, vary your weights and exercises because otherwise your body will get used to it and wont be as effective
i like it a lot