I had completely forgotten about Mansons song mOBSCENE, and then it just popped back into my head a few hours ago and I was able to go through the entire song in my head word for word without skipping a beat. Thank 6th grade for that.
It also reminded me I still need to get this shirt.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
today when I was out eating breakfast with my gpa and uncle my gpa noticed a guy checking out a waitress. so he says to us "that guy over there is checking out that waitresses butt, I think hes getting bonerfied"
It also reminded me I still need to get this shirt.
And while I'm here, it's also nice to be dating someone who appreciates metal.
wish there were metalhead chicks here
Hopefully joining this band. ^:)^
they remind me of The Sword a bit for some reason
Really want a cig at the moment too...oh well =/