If I were you, I'd be hoping on priceline every chance I could get and making really low ball offers for round trip airfare. Probably wont get it, but what if you could fly monthly for 100 dollars or something?
Would it be rude for me to ask how much airfare was? It is weird how much that shit can vary.
I'll be going through Southwest this time as opposed to US Airways, who flat out suck. I think it comes out to $340ish for a roundtrip.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
340 is pretty decent. I think that is roughly what I paid for RT to San Diego. Still if you are willing to travel on little to no notice, you might be able to get it for 100 or 200 with priceline. I don't know this for fact, I have just heard that from people who have gotten ridiculously low priceline airfares. If the flight is not sold out, then the airlines are usually willing to take someone for anything they can get.
If I were you, I'd be hoping on priceline every chance I could get and making really low ball offers for round trip airfare. Probably wont get it, but what if you could fly monthly for 100 dollars or something?
Would it be rude for me to ask how much airfare was? It is weird how much that shit can vary.
I'll be going through Southwest this time as opposed to US Airways, who flat out suck. I think it comes out to $340ish for a roundtrip.
Woo Southwest! I like the fact that you pick your own seat and can change your flight without fees
340 is pretty decent. I think that is roughly what I paid for RT to San Diego. Still if you are willing to travel on little to no notice, you might be able to get it for 100 or 200 with priceline. I don't know this for fact, I have just heard that from people who have gotten ridiculously low priceline airfares. If the flight is not sold out, then the airlines are usually willing to take someone for anything they can get.
I got a 1 way airfare (fees and all ) For less than $50 when I went from NJ to NC. It was a round trip ticket but I only took it 1 way.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
not sure if this floats my boat or grinds my gears... but I already had a hard time keeping upon the activity here. and now I invited new heavy posters. our post rate will probably double :-|
I told my friend we should totally make shirts, but she was like "Uh, that's lame...".