I was looking at my moms record collection this morning, and she brought out 14 old Beatles records my dad had found in the garbage a good 15-20 years ago. :bz
lol, my best friends mom has 2 boxes full of records. I stayed over one day n she took one of the boxes out. Twas like being a kid in candy store, but i only took home 3.
Haha aw, that's cool. My mom only has a cabinet full of records, my uncle on the other hand...one whole living room wall is just shelves with easily 1000+ records. It's beautiful. @-)
they were given to me. I was told to take as many as i'd like, but i didnt have a record player yet.
well now that is a pretty important part of the story you left out... don't you think?
"Once I went into a bank. and I reached in my coat with my right hand, and then handed the teller a note with my left hand..... yadda yadda yadda.. I left with a shit ton of benjamin" "holy shit... you robbed a bank?" "huh? no. I withdrew it from my account. where'd you get that?"
What, so you thought that Mr Cheeze Head discreetly snuck three full length albums into his undies and wandered out of the house whistling innocently?
they were given to me. I was told to take as many as i'd like, but i didnt have a record player yet.
well now that is a pretty important part of the story you left out... don't you think?
"Once I went into a bank. and I reached in my coat with my right hand, and then handed the teller a note with my left hand..... yadda yadda yadda.. I left with a shit ton of benjamin" "holy shit... you robbed a bank?" "huh? no. I withdrew it from my account. where'd you get that?"
What, so you thought that Mr Cheeze Head discreetly snuck three full length albums into his undies and wandered out of the house whistling innocently?
My mom only has a cabinet full of records, my uncle on the other hand...one whole living room wall is just shelves with easily 1000+ records. It's beautiful. @-)
+ corn