You're the one not willing to defend your precious lady gaga.
Anywho up until the superbowl the only pop star I ever though actually had a great voice was Christina aguilera (so?) because she could hit notes all the others could not. She sure did ruin that during the superbowl.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Doesn't matter when the hell they appeared...I don't see any drag queens all pissy cuz of lady gaga's outfits. All the gays love her so I don't see where this is going besides nowhere
You're Lebanese, you're orient
Nice fallback response
You're the one not willing to defend your precious lady gaga.
Anywho up until the superbowl the only pop star I ever though actually had a great voice was Christina aguilera (so?) because she could hit notes all the others could not. She sure did ruin that during the superbowl.
And everyone is a hater by your theory because everyone hates something. So why point that out?