Going to Hellfest, or any overseas festival for that matter, is easily do-able, it's not like it's some outrageous thing.
not when you don't have a passport, enough money for tickets, roundtrip airfare, and a hotel or campsite. which I'm sure most of the people on this forum don't have all four of those things combined. just sayin.
Going to Hellfest, or any overseas festival for that matter, is easily do-able, it's not like it's some outrageous thing.
not when you don't have a passport, enough money for tickets, roundtrip airfare, and a hotel or campsite. which I'm sure most of the people on this forum don't have all four of those things combined. just sayin.
which is why you get a passport, and save up your money however you can. It's tough to break a determined one's spirit. :>
Going to Hellfest, or any overseas festival for that matter, is easily do-able, it's not like it's some outrageous thing.
not when you don't have a passport, enough money for tickets, roundtrip airfare, and a hotel or campsite. which I'm sure most of the people on this forum don't have all four of those things combined. just sayin.
which is why you get a passport, and save up your money however you can. It's tough to break a determined one's spirit. :>
you're looking at at least $2000-$3000 and I'm being optimistic with those numbers. you need to consider food and transportation while there too. not cheap. the only people on this forum who could save that up in less than three months have jobs that pay higher than minimum wage and even then they still have other bills to pay.
I looked last year, a ticket to Germany round trip was $1,000. but yeah, easily a trip to one of those festivals can and most likely will be over $3,000. Well I didn't mean necessarily going to THIS years, I know very few people can save that much in such short of time. I meant like...saving over a span of a year or two.
Going to Hellfest, or any overseas festival for that matter, is easily do-able, it's not like it's some outrageous thing.
not when you don't have a passport, enough money for tickets, roundtrip airfare, and a hotel or campsite. which I'm sure most of the people on this forum don't have all four of those things combined. just sayin.
which is why you get a passport, and save up your money however you can. It's tough to break a determined one's spirit. :>
you're looking at at least $2000-$3000 and I'm being optimistic with those numbers. you need to consider food and transportation while there too. not cheap. the only people on this forum who could save that up in less than three months have jobs that pay higher than minimum wage and even then they still have other bills to pay.
I looked last year, a ticket to Germany round trip was $1,000. but yeah, easily a trip to one of those festivals can and most likely will be over $3,000. Well I didn't mean necessarily going to THIS years, I know very few people can save that much in such short of time. I meant like...saving over a span of a year or two.
that's a completely different story obviously. I'm talking about the want to go to the festivals this year.
ohhh, I see. I think we were on different pages at first. Well there's no way that's happening. :-))
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Paper no
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Well I didn't mean necessarily going to THIS years, I know very few people can save that much in such short of time. I meant like...saving over a span of a year or two.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I am digging this.