New update on that friend I have that's ridiculous on fb. Found out he believes the whole Obama birth certificate conspiracy theory and believes this whole new Biden shit that's come out recently. All I did was say the words "conspiracy theory," and I get this 🤣😂 (also, the "19 years worth of info" is him reading all kinds of shit on the internet, including youtube vids)
Leah he reminds me of that guy that used to post on the old forums...what was his name...and hE uSeD To TyPe sO eVeRy sEcOnD lEtTeR wAs In CaPs.... what the fuck was his name ?
Leah he reminds me of that guy that used to post on the old forums...what was his name...and hE uSeD To TyPe sO eVeRy sEcOnD lEtTeR wAs In CaPs.... what the fuck was his name ?
I don't remember his name/sn but I know who you're talking about.