Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Oh so like a dollar?
Dont know why i asked like FF would give a straight answer.
Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Yeah take the opportunity and run with it bro. Yeah, they're not a huge band but they make killer tunes and having your name attacthed to something of theirs bodes well for future endeavors
Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Oh so like a dollar?
Dont know why i asked like FF would give a straight answer.
You're delusional if you think I'm gonna discuss numbers lol
Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Oh so like a dollar?
Dont know why i asked like FF would give a straight answer.
You're delusional if you think I'm gonna discuss numbers lol
Do I care what you’re getting? Not in the least... but I was interested in what one might make for selling a pic like that. I don’t even have the slightest of clues. Could be a dollar or 10,000 for all I know.
Power Trip's publicist just called me. Blake, their guitarist, is wanting to use a photo of mine in a feature for Guitar World Magazine.
How much does that pay?
Not as much as I would like, as they're not a huge name. But it does pay some. Plus having your name in that magazine is a big deal for freelance photographers.
Oh so like a dollar?
Dont know why i asked like FF would give a straight answer.
You're delusional if you think I'm gonna discuss numbers lol
Do I care what you’re getting? Not in the least... but I was interested in what one might make for selling a pic like that. I don’t even have the slightest of clues. Could be a dollar or 10,000 for all I know.
For the most part it really all depends on the size of the band/what they're able to budget, and what the purpose is for. Obviously i make more if they want to physically print the image on something, which they are as it'll be shown in the Power Trip section of the upcoming magazine. I *could* make a load more if they were the ones personally selling/profiting off them. Like i said it's not quite as much as i would've asked for initially, but it being Guitar World Magazine, i was willing to lower the price *this* time just to get my name in there with an established metal/crossover band. But to generally answer your question, it's not thousands by any stretch, but can be in the few hundreds or so for publishing rights.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
is that a lawsuit I smell? Tits girl is going to get a huge payday
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Dont know why i asked like FF would give a straight answer.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
She assaulted the employee so I doubt it.
"so try me"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)